慕田峪长城 Mutianyu Great Wall | 正关台 Zhengguantai Pass | China Miracle

Among all sections of the Great Wall of China, Mutianyu is known for its unique beauty.

Mutianyu Great Wall is one of the most well-known Great Wall sections in Beijing and played an important role among the Ming Great Wall sections. This section connects the north Gubeikou and the west Juyongguan and served as a key fortress that guarded Beijing in the past times. Zhengguantai (正关台) and Dajiaolou (大角楼) are the famous spots of it. More importantly, the wall in this section has been well protected and can better expose the old flavor of the Great Wall.

明长城西起嘉峪关,东至山海关,总长度为 8851.8 千米,宛若一条巨龙,蜿蜒腾跃于崇山峻岭之上。长城是中国古代最伟大的军事防御工程,如今的“长城”凝聚着中华民族团结一心、众志成城、坚不可摧的骨气,不仅是中华民族精神的象征,更承载着全人类对和平与繁荣的共同向往。
A great part of the Great Wall that still stands today is from the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Great Wall is nearly 10,000 km long. The Great Wall is the greatest defense work built in ancient China, while today, the term “Great Wall” is often used as a symbol of fortitude and unity of the Chinese nation. It not only stands for the spirits of the Chinese people, but also carries the common aspiration of all mankind for peace and prosperity.

Mutianyu Great Wall has a long history and splendid culture, and has become a cultural landmark of Beijing and even the whole country. It is known as one of the most spectacular and best-preserved section of the #GreatWall in China. It is also the most favored one among all Great Wall sections for visitors from abroad.

Located 40 miles (65km) to the north of Beijing city, it was first built in Northern Qi Dynasty (550-557). Later in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), when Tan Lun and Qi Jiguang guarded the strategic pass, they rebuilt it to strengthen its defensive potential. It served as the northern protective screen, guarding the capital and imperial mausoleums for generations.

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