Elden Ring But It Just Works #3

Published 2022-06-03

All Comments (21)
  • "Dogs in DS3 will bend space and time to kill you, I don't think you can get more aggressive than that." Oh, those were innocent days, weren't they. When mere teleporting was the worst thing a dog could do to you.
  • @AddMoreJPEG
    Cool video, it’s just a shame that I’m inside your walls eating the forbidden cotton candy inside mmm
  • @Malastrome
    Appreciate ya'll that have been enjoying these! I've been having fun going through them myself. Seen a lot of people asking about the quality, and the reason it's so "Jerma DS3 VOD quality" (I've heard someone say), is that I had to pull these at 720p directly off YouTube as they weren't recorded locally. I hope ya'll continue enjoying the highlights regardless!
  • @KanaevM
    Dragonfly won't leave you alone. Even in death.
  • @hohohoupufuru
    You can always tell when a person has come from Dark Souls because jumping attacks and riding the horse to run away don't come naturally to them
  • @AtreyusNinja
    glad u keep editing your blind run, thx for that man
  • @skookathing
    you're the only person I've seen mention how much of a downgrade powerstancing is compared to ds2, it drives me insane that no one talked about this. not being able to mix weapon classes, a ton of repeating powerstance movesets (ie flails, hammers, and axes are all the same), and no unique abilities when powerstancing certain weapons like the smelter swords in ds2. it's genuinely my least favorite part of the game how shit duel wielding is when it should've had built on what ds2 did
  • @Gio_Panda
    Love the 2kb file size video quality LMAO
  • @_Salok
    Missed opportunity to have the thumbnail say Nordd Howard
  • i wish you promoted this channel sooner! i just watched your one-hit video and had no idea :(
  • @rat9041
    you rly need to plug this more. ive been a fan for atleast a year or two now and i never knew this existed and kinda just assumed you perished
  • @Rajonas007
    Second channel! Looking forward to more videos
  • @Corundrom
    Make sure to read the jellyfish ashes description, its great
  • @tylerufen
    good job on your character's face...