Shamanic perspectives on grounding, healing and soul retrieval.


コメント (4)
  • I like to spend time in nature. I feel at peace when I place my palms onto trees. I just need to learn how to listen more. 😊
  • I think I have some unlearning to do. I’m up for it 😃 Good job I’m constantly evaluating what I’m taking in and am open to having my mind changed. 😁
  • @Musiclear
    Hi Shane, I agree we can't "fragment" our souls. What I believe can happen is people can open connections to people or beings and that connection can act much like an energetic door that can be open for energy exchange. If they are connected to a high-energy, spiritually grounded person, some energy can move to them that can feel good and “spiritual.” On the other hand, if the person is connected to people or beings that are low vibrationally, their energy can be siphoned off, and they may start feeling the energy and emotional aspects of the lower vibrational beings. If they are connected to many beings, their vitality may get siphoned off, and they may lose the feeling of connection to things that give them life. They may no longer feel themselves, but a conglomeration of many influences draining their life force. This can lead them to feel scattered, disconnected, and fragmented. They are not fragmented, but they feel that way as their energy is exchanged in many directions, siphoning off their energy and giving back lower vibrational energy and emotions.