Jovanny Crespo found guilty in death of man who fled traffic stop

Published 2023-07-05
Newark Police Officer Jovanny Crespo has been found guilty on all counts in the shooting death of a man who fled a traffic stop. CBS New York's Alice Gainer reports. Read more:

All Comments (21)
  • The police can do no wrong in some people's long as they're doing it to people you don't like
  • The officer's initial police report said nothing about a gun pointed at him. Is that appealable? I think not.
  • He was out out of control during that incident, whooping and yipping. Multiple times attempting to jump out with his partner telling him no, get back in. Then after he shoots the 2 guys,he is bouncing around,amped to the tits telling everyone he shot them, he shot them both. His partner should have backed off from the front of the chase, Crespo was unsafe that night. If he wasn’t working that night he probably would have shot someone else by now.
  • @momoamen2702
    ,he was hell-bent on killing someone that night,he was so hyped up, that he actually overran the fleeing car
  • He did not give the suspects an opportunity to surrender. I think the jury got it right.
  • @John_X_77
    Lock that psycho up and throw away the key. I don't know how he passed a psych exam or maybe he was high that night. Either way he doesn't deserve to be out amongst normal folks.
  • Can someone please explain to me, how TF was Crespo and his partner able to catch up to Griffin's car on three separate occasions, even when there were other police cruisers in close pursuit on the tight city streets of Newark? Honestly, I'm not even sure if the state made the right choice in not investigating his partner.
  • I live in NC now but remember this. Why would you take it to trial ... when your own words condemn you
  • @Freddieduda
    This inciden t happened in January 2019 !!!! He was found GUILTY by a jury in July 2023. At the time of writing this it's now May 2024 and he still hasn't been sentenced. WHY ? Update........ Sentenced to 27 years !!!!!! Wow did not expect that.
  • @02jaguilar
    Let this be a example for the rest of the police who think that they can do what they want just cause they got a badge
  • This guy was clearly guilty of the crimes for which he was convicted, yet for some idiotic reason, people disagree.
  • Honestly, the conviction is warranted. He didn’t have to jump out of the car and attempt to shoot them not once but three times. Even if you thought shooting was good idea because of the potential danger of maybe facing someone with a gun, you could’ve aimed for the vehicle and tried stopping the vehicle in general. Not taking the action of going for the kill to get the job done. This guy was sporadic and you can clearly see, not cut out for this line of work. Even if the cops gave him proper training, a trained officer shouldn’t and wouldn’t act at emotional impulse like this. I live in Newark, and I’ve heard about this case and was honestly wondering the outcome. And after all the evidence with the body cam footage and the results of his actions, I’m not surprised. I’ve seen the funding page for his legal defense and even then after everything revealed and the conviction- I highly doubt they’ll meet that goal to “help” him.
  • @jpp3820
    Papi wanted to be a tough guy!!! Shitttt!!
  • Police in Ohio do this all the time. I'm actually surprised he was convicted, as were his family. Good luck buddy,