Chancellor reveals 'difficult' cuts to winter fuel payments for pensioners

Published 2024-07-29
10 million pensioners will lose out on winter fuel payments in an attempt to fill a £22 billion black hole in the public finances, the Chancellor has announced.

Rachel Reeves said she was making “difficult decisions” as she accused the previous government of leaving £21.9 billion of unfunded commitments that it had “covered up from the country”.

In a statement to Parliament, she set out “immediate action” to address the shortfall by £5.5 billion, with the rest of the gap to be addressed at a Budget on October 30.

But predecessor Jeremy Hunt claimed around half of the “black hole” in spending was due to her deciding to give above-inflation pay rises to millions of public sector workers.

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All Comments (21)
  • No money for pensioners but hand outs for all coming here who have never and will not ever contribute. Pensioners are easy game. Unforgivable. Note it will be the waspi women who will feel this most.
  • @user-dy4ej2ui4x
    Why did you send 85 billion abroad if we didn’t have the money.
  • @peterbeard933
    Pensioners are being thrown to the wolves. Work hard all your life for someone like this to destroy the elderly. Disgusting.
  • Just been robbed of £200 by Labour Government. A big thank you to all those clowns who voted them in. There was an alternative to the tories, you know, but you didn’t have the balls to go for it. For those who have slept through the last 12 months, I mean Reform.
  • @johnlampard5551
    This is just the first kick in the back of for pensioners I expect there’s worse to come from this awful government
  • @MattyFreedom
    If it’s this bad, where are the criminal prosecutions and accountability? Why is it the British people who get all the cuts, yet globalism spending continues apace.
  • @peterbeard933
    Illegal immigrants to get it all, free housing, heating and food. Not forgetting a new mobile phone. As a pensioner on basic pension, not entitled to pension credit it is going to be hard to keep warm this winter.
  • @massivehero4871
    Thousands of old people will die this winter because of her today. Hundreds of targets, but she hits the vulnerable elderly. Most pensioners that don't get pension credit are just over the limit but are still on extremely low incomes, me £14.4k. I won't be able now to put the central heating on now. I've already economised on food. Nothing else to cut back on. I can suffer but my 83yr old wife is just hanging in there health wise. Shameful.
  • @bittyprettyone
    I cant this utter bs any longer. How dare she take this away from pensioners yet give illegal migrants everything. This country has gone bananas
  • @paulgray9084
  • @peterbeard933
    And yet the PM won't have to pay tax on his pensions WHY.
  • Just because a pensioner doesn't get pension credit does not mean they are well off this is not fair for many poor pensioners
  • @Brian-mb9ez
    The man sitting over her left shoulder is avoiding paying tax on his pension, best she change this, practice what you preach is always a good idea
  • @davidlawton7845
    Millionaires don’t care…Starmer wouldn’t understand the choice to eat or heat..
  • @user-fz8ep5ey4v
    God help us all with her in charge of our money . She’s a liar .
  • Yet again those who've "worked" and not had any help from benefits are penalised to pay those on benefits. Is this the start of the same old labour. Well they'll be out come next election if they go down this route. When is working for a living going to pay most pensioners even those just above benefits levels struggle very bad move by Labour
  • @Ruth-ff7jw
    How dare she. Its the Pensioners that need their money, to be able to put food on the table and to keepwarm in winter. Cant see Reeves going without these. Bet she is a millionaire like Starmer.