This gecko clones itself. Meet my Hawaiian Mourning Geckos


コメント (21)
  • “they can reproduce alone without the need for a mate, sound familiar? :(“ got me cracking up so hard😂😂😂
  • Donnie Thornberry vibes at the end there🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • Donnie thornberry there at the end 😂😂😂 "TAGITTYBOOGITITY"
  • @yuta7359
    He makes terrariums, AND Donnie noises? He's a 10🥺
  • I have mourning geckos! I was given a pair of females from my neighbor who was wanting to transition from reptiles to fish. One’s an Hawaiian and the other is the “regular” type that’s more popular. Their names are Laverne and Shirley and they are both in an 8x8x12 enclosure atm but I plan on upgrading to something larger as soon as Iheartgeckos has the conversion panels in stock at the same time as I have money. 😅 Their chirps and clicks are fairly quiet but noticeable when close to the enclosure. I also have a juvenile produced by one of them that’s doing very well. I had 4 babies from them, but one ended up with bad stuck shed that I tried to help but it didn’t make it and 2 others got overheated I believe when my air conditioner broke at the beginning of spring, causing my apartment to get way too hot for the fragile, couple-day-old babies. I’m looking forward to a larger enclosure full of mourning geckos in the (hopefully) near future.
  • When I lived on the island of Oahu, these guys would wake me up in the mornings with that adorable, high pitched cackle they do in the mornings and at night. It gets old quick though🤣
  • imagine raising giant geckos as a food source, or chickens with gecko DNA that endlessly cloned themselves, perfect food source in other planets where a pandemic wont happen.
  • I just saw these guys for the first time while picking up fruit flies! They are incredibly ADORABLE 🥹
  • Too cute!!!!😍 Cant wait to see its new home. I imagine a horde of those would be so amazing to see. Do you find them or buy them?
  • Yooo doin the Donnie impression was the best part of this short.. and it's even funnier bc Soo fuckin random
  • @CrossbredManiac
    That sounds you make is the sound I imagine goes on in their heads
  • @rock2946
    That ending slapped me with sudden nostalgia
  • I’m getting a tattoo of one of these with my sister in october. We’re choosing geckos from my yard (hawai’i) to be our muse. And now I’m finding out they regenerate themselves 😂🥰🥰