Israel and Iran 'both privately and publicly' told by US not to escalate into full-scale war

“There are concerns that, as each side take steps to retaliate against the other, at some point you will cross a trip wire and end up where you don’t want to be.”

The Biden administration has been “working very hard” to stop the tensions between Israel and Iran escalating into a war, says former US deputy consul general to Israel Gerald Feierstein.

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コメント (18)
  • @flioink
    The US "escalation management" is pretty ineffective.
  • @K1110.
    The US working around the clock for de-escalation while supplying weapons for escalation. 🙃
  • Even Obama told Bibi that if he starts something he is on his own. America backs that policy. We are not going to war for the rightwing of Netanyahu's party. We done with country in general.
  • can somebody just lock him up and take him to the Hague ..? And while he stays there, maybe some of those corruption charges can also lead to lifelong sentences? 400 years sounds about right ...
  • It's to inflammatory in these countries down there. I don't know what anyone can do about that. You could ask for cold heads. But I don't think that helps much when the driving forces from beneath are so strong. Be cool and and be dead or be hot and have chance rather. Or if its the other way around. One ting is clear. It affects us all. It can be illustrated in this way. Lets suppose you are a Palestinian in Gaza. Does it matter if you can run fast or think fast? And all of us sit in a similar situation to a great extent. Even the Israelis do.
  • It is Israeli citizens. Just because it is not internationally recognized, does not mean it is not so. As for the so called Palestinian Territories. Egypt ceded claim to Gaza and Jordan ceded claim to Judea in exchange for peace. There has never been a nation called Palestinian. It’s a fabrication of Arafat and co.
  • 12 comments only three are visible. Why even have a comments section even you are going to hide the majority of comments?
  • @xtrajently
    Ridiculous equivocation. Israelis being attacked by Hezbollah since last October. By the way, according to 2006 agreement, Hezbollah shouldn’t be on that side of the river at all. Where is the UN condemnation? It’s absolutely disgusting that everyones interests should come first, but Israel is always the one that has to deal with the consequences.
  • @moali8434
    Everone is gearing up in middle east
  • @benbarak6072
    If you start with wrong facts, your commentary isn't worth much
  • @manayesh
    But those Druze chased away the israeli ministers at the funeral coz they are blaming the iron dome missile for this terrorist act. The israelis behave the same way as apartheid south africa which used to hang activists because the apartheid policeman accidentally killed a white civilian whilst trying to shoot the activist. Then the apartheid judge would blame the activist for the death of a civilian.
  • @hhdhdhf6rhdh3
    Russia and China follow very simple rule - never interrupt when enemy is making mistakes. And US is making big mistakes in middle east. catastrophe is unfolding in front of us...of course Russia and China are rubbing their hands and smiling.