Wholesome šŸ’Æ Invasion

Publicado 2022-03-23
I promptly loaded up Dark Souls and murdered Solaire after this invasion in order to balance out my karma.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @ShiftingGrin
    >Invader shows up >T-poses >Calls you beautiful >Refuses to explain. >Immediately leaves What terrifying aura.
  • @imskiller99
    "Wasn't expecting moral choices in this game" - Phantom (probably)
  • @MelodicaDude
    i've been going around with a buckler, parrying players that attack me and saying "youre beautiful" instead of riposting, then peace-ing when they get me to low HP. it's a wonderful world.
  • @whitewampa2910
    I have a PvP character named Santa and I invade people and just give items then leave.
  • @SolemnVisitor
    I got summoned as a blue phantom to help someone who was invaded. When I joined, they were sitting on a beach at the edge of the water just taking in the view. I joined them in the water and watched with them, when I noticed the invader was also there standing with us. It made for a great screenshot.
  • @billymckee8379
    My best invasion was when me and my bro were cooping and git invaded twice at once, so i immediately made a square of prism stones and my bro sat beside it, then onenof them got in the ring with me, but before we started fighting the other invader just decided to attack my brother, and without missing a beat the guy in the ring eith me pounces on his fellow invader, and after beating him for breakin the rules, does a lil bow and severs himself from the world
  • @gabethebabe3337
    When people keep telling you youā€™re maidenless, but Inferno Plus says youā€™re beautiful
  • @chiefrobertz42069
    All i ever get is Rivers of blood maniacs or suicide bombers jumping me around corners or at lifts, Me and my wife aren't very good at this game but we're having fun with the co-op!
  • @grubbu7073
    My best invasion so far was me invading, befriending a gank squad, killing a red with them and then getting in an honorable fistfight to the death, until another red invaded. That guy played along but eventually pulled out a sword and ruined the fun so I killed him, and then had a naked duel with the host, finally winning it out.
  • @Facemanne
    Yes of course Youtube, this game is Dark Souls
  • @nordgaren2358
    And then you invaded 3 dudes and perfoomed on them. šŸ‘€
  • @iainkilcar7463
    I did this when getting the three invasions for varre
  • @Shadow6OO
    I love doing dumb shit and making up my own moral codes when invading. Like if the host is clearly struggling I might just take out the more experienced phantoms and dip. Or if they gesture The Ring at me and don't attack me when I do it back I'll just leave them be and invade someone else.