Daily Ice Baths for a Month?! The Pros and Cons (30 MINUTE HOLD!)

Publicado 2021-04-14
Ever wondered why people keep raving about being in freezing cold water? I thought I'd try and find out for myself and for my viewers what all the hype is about and what an average person can gain from regular ice baths.

How the Chest Freezer Works - 5:45

The 30 Minute Attempt - 12:00

Pros and Cons - 13:22

Music: Ketsa - Why Wait

#wimhof #wimhofmethod

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @finstereric1695
    A case of single serve frozen water bottles will chill your bathtub nicely within 30-45 min. I've been doing this for years and this is the method I have settled on as the most economical.
  • @Screeny42
    I've started to swim in cold water (I live in Siberia) 12 years ago. Doesn't matter for me its -30C outside or 0C. I always use cold shower and cold baths. Also I've try to wear less cloth in winters. What can i say 12 years later: 1. Now I love every season of the year (I dont hate winter anymore) . 2. No depressions 3. I've got very good immunity - I literally forgot when I was ill last time. 4. Now I dont need to spent a lot of money for winter clothing (we got -20..-45C in winter) - really good cold resilience. Using my shorts in autumn when all people wear jackets :D 5. People think im weird - I dont care. I've got good health, strong body and good mood. Be healthy! And try ice baths :] Free biohacking. Just try it (not once.. u need to do it every day).
  • @max_ch3
    I don't know who came up with an idea to reuse freezer as a bath but now I finally can start cold exposure.
  • @abitofmymind
    My wife lost is when she saw me naked in the freezer sitting on ice cream and chicken
  • @sakurakan7
    Good effort mate I’ve been doing this for over seven years in the rivers of New Zealand. All year round. Love it. makes one strong and healthy
  • I've been doing ice baths every day for a year and I was born with a very bad rare heart condition i haven't had chest pains at all would get them everyday
  • Respect 👊 I used to swim in rivers and weight train like a maniac - but now even the thought of those activities makes me tired. I need some mental toughness - thank you for spreading the right message!! 😊
  • @timwynn3575
    Well done. The challenge and content were well above average and very enjoyable. Good work!
  • @i3looi2
    I stopped using hot water 10y ago. Best decision of my life. The stuff I noticed myself: - extreme immunity boost ( i literally haven't got a serious cold since then, even though previously i would get 2 such episodes/year - sometimes even in summer) - best wakeup in the morning , stronger than coffee and whatnot - contradictory, a cold shower right before, also helps with a good sleep - cold resilience overall .. during autumn i rarely need anything but shorts and tshirt. I can go as low as 4 degrees outside temperature and feel ok in my skin (As long as i`m walking and moving constantly)
  • @deneb3552
    Well done, you've killed it! The moment you realise it's just water. You know the feeling. The calm. It's difficult to put into words. It's one of the best things that happened to me. 4 years in, hoping for 40 more.
  • Respect brother. I tried the method going to cold environments but never those long baths. I've done them after training but never for 30 min. Kudos
  • I appreciated your awareness of and sharing regarding the potential negative impacts of the use of the resources required to do daily ice baths. You are the first practitioner that I have heard address this. Thanks for your consciousness around this and for your willingness to adapt your practice to minimize the impacts.
  • @numchacar
    I am an aussie , I moved to Finland I had severe depression at the time I went into an icy lake at -30 and at first i spent a few minutes in it then i stayed in for 15 minutes or more each time swimming around the next week i never felt the cold and felt amazing . ice swimming will get rid of the bad blood in your body and get the blood flowing to try and keep you alive and it feels amazing
  • @adamadict
    I love that he says, 'less road rage', so there's always some? Im motivated to try this, great idea with the freezer! Subbed.
  • @saltydog4716
    Thanks for posting this man, that freezer game looks mint.
  • The positivity in this chat is unmatched. I’ve never seen so much positivity. This really is a drug to humanity that so little utilize
  • Just commentating on my personal experience for those who might be on the fence about cold showers and ice baths. I don't take ice baths, but take really cold showers for like 5 mins every morning(cold enough where I'm gasping for warmth). I wake up instantly, very alert, energetic, my skin cleared up... i know that last part is random but... Well I had persistent acne since a teenager - now its just gone. I think it increases blood flow which maybe helps with clearing my skin(and I also feel very sharp all day long - I hate to sound cringy or fake but overall I feel smarter - I'm not smarter but I feel that way because I'm on top of everything now and can recall things easier due to increased energy). In the long term - I've been doing it now for about a year or so. I really can't be without it to be honest, I hate skipping cold showers(i've skipped maybe 10 times so far, I hate getting in but I hate my energy without it...). Small amount of energy boost makes a big difference. Also that bit of energy I believe really helps me deal with stress which basically makes my day more productive as I'm not emotionally stuck on something. So for me, it is a pretty big deal - especially in the long run. I really think this is sort of like a compounding effect on your life if that makes sense. Anyway - thats just my personal experience. The obvious benefit is that small energy boost... But honestly, its snowballs overtime. I feel I've got so much in my life in order - and its partially thanks to this cold showers(but maybe and mostly due to diet and other small changes I've made) - I'm looking to do ice baths now. Which is why I'm looking at this video, just to see how this guy does it as I'm already sold on this idea having experienced it. I'm confident it will bring me exactly what I'm looking for which is more energy to deal with the day and take on more stressful situations. I just wanted to give everyone a realistic perspective on this whole thing.
  • @FlorisGierman
    Solid set up, I suggest using a short hose to auto empty the water. All you do is add a short house (few meters long) into the ice bath, once it's in, put your finger in the house, move it to the ground where you want the water, then take off your finger, water will start flowing out. I've been using mine for about 3 years now. Sounds like you're enjoying your ice as well, you look calm and controlled, well done. 🥶👍
  • @Elena-ty5xg
    This is so inspirational. You’re doing this like it’s nothing :0 Greetings from Finland, I’ll def go ice swimming when the winter comes!
  • Thanks for this! Much appreciated. I have a chest freezer I got for 50$ I'm not even using, then I saw someone at a gym in some video taking a cold bath in it. One can use rainwater and/or use it in the garden when done. Also, with breathing techniques = no pain, except a mental chock in the beginning.