Make a Blanket Roll - Vol. II, Episode 10

Soldiers from both Southern and Northern armies can be seen in campaign images wearing blanket rolls. These were often made up to replace the knapsack and make carrying equipment both lighter and more comfortable on the march.

In Episode 10, we look at how the blanket roll was made – through the words of several veterans who marched in the Civil War. Hear the words of a Southerner as well as a man from both the eastern and western Union armies. As they describe how they made the blanket roll and we demonstrate the process.

Want to double-check our research? We have a book list for each episode we use printed materials for research. Find out more for yourself at

#cwdd #civilwardigitaldigest #history #marching #Union #Confederate #blanket #civilwar

コメント (21)
  • @graemer3657
    6:32 the use of the gum blanket is the same as the use if the Zeltbahn (combine sleeping shelter, poncho, waterproof protection) that has been used in the German army since the 1930s
  • I marched for the 102nd USCT over 20 years ago (I was a bugler because I was 10 or 11). I miss it and I'm so glad I found your channel. Thank you.
  • I carried my gum blanket on the back of my belt, protects the buhonckus from getting wet on soupy ground
  • I once read that a Confederate soldier unrolled his blanket after the battle of Antietam and at least 15 bullets came out of it.
  • I have a sport : optimizing my bedroll or like I call it cowboy roll - this episode gives me new details 👌🤗 out in the field and spare me your whining about "cold weather" 😂🤠🙋🏻‍♂️ - I even hit the subscribe button 🍳☕️
  • Once again" AWESOME INFO SHARE & history lesson" this video placed a smile on this ole paratroopers face" Jackson's foot Calvary""" PRICELESS""
  • @jshicke
    I was thinking I liked the idea of the gum blanket around the wool blanket to keep most of it dry. Then you mentioned carrying it folder int eh ammo packs straps so it could be used to keep more of yourself and equipment dry in the event of a sudden rain. I liked that idea better.
  • I think your channel is AWSOME!! I spent 14 yrs in the U.S. Army and was a Drill Sargent for 7 yrs. I didn't do the screaming/shouting stuff if not needed and no one ever went AWOL in that time.😁 What I had my troopies (that's what I called them & they liked it) do is use doubled big garbage bags inside their duffle bag. They put their stuff inside then the top double garbage bags went over and carefully overlapped the bottom abit. It poured like cats and dogs and the duffle bags were in an opened Army truck. We got back to garason, they got their bags, we got back to the barracks and their stuff was bone dry. They got their stuff secured, the bags were hung to dry and while other Drill Sargent's squads had to spend tons of time drying out their gear my troops had the night off. Ok you can say ...what does 'this' have to do with the Civil War? This video spoke about how a soldier carried their 'stuff'. Look at the rubber layer on the outside pack we were shown in the video here...rubber on the outside to try to keep the stuff inside dry WELL... what's changed?.... Not much. Useing the plastic bags on the inside of the duffle bag does the same job as the Civil War soldier did. I just thought I'd share. I've done some Civil War reinacting too, it was alot of fun. I was given a choice of being a female reinactor or male (because I'm a women) I just looked at the guy who was playing Gen. Grant and said; "What do you think?" He smiled and gave me the male uniform. 😎 Nothing against the lady's who wear those long dresses and all but I'm a soldier and I don't want to sit around looking 'cute' I want to march and drill and put up tents or leantoos or make shelters by hand, chop wood, carry water, all that good stuff. It was fun being with the kids, they really liked hearing our story's (told after researching REAL Civil War soldier's story's) and getting into character and all and adding our own 2 cents worth. There were many women's bodies that were found on battle fields dressed as male soldiers... that ....they don't teach about that in schools. My Great great (however many greats) grandfather was in the Civil War on the Union side Peleg Tilson. He spent time in Andersonvile prison. He spoke about them finding woman's bodies and how the letters found on the woman's bodies spoke about them losing their husband's or boyfriend's and all. War is just plain awful and no one really 'wins'.....just loss and heartake really. I hope the world someday learns that ...but.... I highly dout it. Desert Storm sure wasn't fun but we did what we had to do, like all those that have gone before us.
  • @viper_3211
    Always great content from yall. Thank you!
  • @Dan-mw1le
    Excellent video! I got a slight chuckle out of the title "A member of Jackson's Foot Cavalry."
  • Gentlemen, Thank you again for your efforts. This newest presentation, as with all preceding, is very nicely done. Your humble servant, 2nd Sergt Joshua Sterma Comp'y H, 6th Fla Vols
  • i need me a belt like yours...the number of buttons i go through dealing with
  • @Jubilo1
    Fine video; thanks for posting !
  • Doing our Indian wars we would put extra 50-70 ammo in a pair of socks (25 per), extra shirt, extra socks, in the blanket then the shelter half and gum blanket on the outside. We did quite a few scouting hikes of 20 to 25 miles.
  • I sincerely enjoyed this video!!! Thank you for sharing. I wish to present some evidence that the twisted blanket roll did, in fact, see service to some improvised extent in the armies of the Grand Republic. An example of such a twisted over-the-shoulder roll can be found in Civil War veteran Julian Scott's painting of the 6th Corp's Vermont Brigade engaged at Chancellorsville (please note, a google search may yeild varying results). The figure wearing the twisted red blanket roll is placed in the painting's shady foreground, and evades immediate notice, but a brief investigation of the painting will not fail to bear testimony to the existence of the photographically evasive twisted shoulder roll. This discovery piqued my own interest, and I thought I would pass it on. Thanks again for the amazing content!!!!😄😄👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇲
  • Can you guys cover the cowboy bedroll? I've seen some pictures with this style of bedroll. Seems to be more comfortable when it's hot out. The blanket roll can get rather warm.