How Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Changed The Story Again

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth like its previous release Remake has changed the story of Final Fantasy 7 as we know it, and today I want to talk about what those changes are and what they could mean for the trilogy going forward.
0:00 Intro
1:14 Prologue
2:26 Wutai/Yuffie
6:16 Mt.Corel
8:19 Gold Saucer/Cait Sith
10:19 Gongaga/Cid
14:17 Cosmo Canyon
17:09 Ending
Music In Order Courtesy of Final Fantasy 7 OST
0;00 FF7 Remake - Prelude
1;14 FF7 - Shinra Theme
8;19 FF7 - Overworld Theme
17;09 FF7 - Temple of Ancients Theme
Hope You Enjoyed!
#gingy #sponsored

コメント (21)
  • Clouds obsession with the black materia was kinda funny. He walked strangely and spoke with creepy voice, and seemed so satisfied when he got hold it. I almost expected him to go all "my precious" 😂
  • @airget
    I'd say Aerith telling Cloud the materia was fake was just a way to catch him off guard. He calls her out on it right away but in that moment Nanaki hits it out of his hand, their main purpose was to get it out of Cloud's posession.
  • @MrLightlike78
    21:13 a neat lil detail- when Biggs is recounting his death to Zack, he talks about a strong wind pulling him away before he wakes up at the orphanage. You can SEE this happen in Cloud's trial in temple of the ancients when you see Biggs and the game gives you back control you can swivel your camera back around to see whispers flying over his body before he straight up disappears!
  • Glad to see Sephiroth and Cloud are even more obsessed with each other than before.
  • @baylaust
    I can't really speak to the whole multiple timelines thing, but I find the idea of Cloud just being straight-up in denial over Aerith's fate, with his mind at the edge of completely collapsing on itself, to be pretty interesting. I have a feeling that the acknowledgement from everyone that "No, Aerith died, she's gone," is what's going to completely break him at the Northern Crater.
  • Sephiroth using the reunion to bring all timelines together will have some pretty big implications for the people who have died in the past
  • @lynxie2008
    Cloud is in between two worlds atm. One where he saves Aerith and is happy and OG timeline where Cloud is vengeful with grief. He's "between two worlds" like Seph said the real Black Materia lies-- so he created the Black Materia with his grief and rage (Black Materia was once pure). And when he finds the Black Materia in his pocket it's like a peek into OG reality and he gets a headache because it's to show he's in two minds. Like how the Jenova headaches have always appeared whenever his mind is showing what's real and what's not during the Remake trilogy. "What is fact and what is fiction?" They're deliberately showing a Happy Cloud to gaslight the player into thinking he's delusional. They need a happy Cloud to have a breakdown in the next game.
  • @joegardner851
    Every time I saw Vincent, I yelled “You can help at anytime!!!!” 😂
  • I think a new timeline has been created in which Cloud could save Aerith. Because as you see, when Aerith lied down on Cloud's hands, The game constantly switched between two images. One relate to the OG timeline in which Aerith was bloody and Cloud Saying somethings just like the OG one: Like " Aerith can't laugh or become angry anymore" . Another image showed us that Cloud was crying and non-bloody Aerith lied on his hand and No one else in the party like Tifa, Barret,etc... could see it. And on that timeline we're seeing Aerith is alive and touching Cloud's face and open her Eyes. And then they defeated Sephiroth together in the last bossfight. Bro we saw Aerith thanked Cloud for saving her. And saphiroth said he underestimated Cloud. In the end of that bossfight when sephiroth defeated, you can see Sephiroth dropped on his knees and really failed to defeat Cloud and Aerith on that timeline. There's no sense of Aerith's spirit fight alongside Cloud Bro. and here's my fucking prediction for the part three tho. You see: End of part one: Zack survived in an alternative timeline. End of part two: Aerith survived in another alternative timeline. And in part three we'll see this Trio(Zack, Aerith, Cloud) fight with sephiroth. Because of a reason: Sephiroth wants to combine all timelines this time and then destroy them all together. So after we see combination of timelines, this Trio will fight with sephiroth and Sephiroth will kill Aerith and Zack. Because as you know: they had to die. Its their destiny. After that, Cloud will fight lonely with shirtless sephiroth and the rest will the same as the OG. . Sorry for my bad English.
  • @Fppiq
    23:25 Slight correction, Red XIII also notices Aerith, as she strokes him and he says her name.
  • Some changes I like a lot like how much more expanded the skywheel scenes are also I like that Tifa was not left in complete dust and got a lot of involvement by making new scenes like Gongaga etc. Some others I hate like the multiple timelines bs
  • I'm pretty sure Cisnei actually saw Cloud with Zack in Crisis Core after they escape Nibelheim and Zack is on his way back to Midgar, so she recognizes Cloud but decides not to say anything for some reason. At least that was my read on it. Regarding Cloud being the only one to see Aerith, I suspect the Aerith he sees is the one he saved, as he can see the rift in the sky while no one else can. That makes me think he can see multiple realities / worlds. Or Gingy may be right and its ghost Aerith. Or both. 0_o
  • @TokaSFC
    1 correction - Cissnei did not mistake Cloud for Zack, she actually recognized him because she saw him in Crisis Core while he was off due to the mako poisoning and saw that Zack was helping him
  • @XT91
    I cannot wait for the lightsaber duel between Aerith Prime and Sephiroth Prime from Earth Prime.
  • @1wayroad935
    Sephiroth using the Inn Keeper at the start to Astral Project to Cloud in order to gaslight him was genius. Of course he can do that, SOLDIERS have Genova Cells inside.
  • @andrewecology
    1. Incredible! 2. Bro take a nap please you are on that GRIND
  • @itsdantaylor
    23:48 I am not convinced that only Cloud seeing her isn't a effect of some multiverse shennaigans either. They specifically leave out Cloud's 'death' dialouge and do not show her water burial, two scenes that I don't think the developers would leave out just for a fake out 'gotcha she's still actually dead' moment. I think Aerith in the 'main' timeline is still gone. BUT it was previously shown that Cloud and Aerith are seemingly connected/can move to their AU selves. It's in my opinion that Aerith in the 'main' timeline died, then moved onto her AU body in the timeline where she lived. It's why she still is around to say 'goodbye' at the end, because in all essence, she is still dead and it's possible she may not be able to return to this specific timeline.
  • @DoomkittyxXx
    I would love a full length video honestly. You explain so well, I was kinda sad when the video ended
  • @necropig
    There were 5 different stamps shown in the game, afaik, the beagle, terrior, the dog on the chips biggs is eating, the dream date has a different stamp and the scenario with zack sitting outside the church has jonny run passed with another stuffed stamp.