Seven Reasons why Narcissists Discard People

Narcissism is characterised by a sense of entitlement, theres grandiosity, a lack empathy for others and a constant need for attention and admiration.
A narcissistic discard is when a person with narcissistic tendencies ends their relationship with someone.
This video outlines seven of the common reasons why narcissists discard others, and also whether or not the discard may or may not be permanent.

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#discarded #discard #narcissism

コメント (21)
  • If you suspect a narcissist blocks you as a means of control, if its real or a fake block, the absolute best thing you can do is block them back. They then realize they trapped themselves and cant reach you and have no choice but to leave you alone. You will then grow so angry and disgusted with the pain they caused thru their blocking games and toxicity, you will move on snd realize they dont deserve you and your feelings can die for them. If they block you, save yourself..its a blessing. Just gone through this!
  • "Is the discard permanent?" YEAH IT IS because we figured out the Narc with the help of kind experts like you. TY for the video💛💛💛
  • @missminti
    The only real reason you’ve been discarded is because you’re not enabling them like the new girl at work/school is. The new guy doesn’t question things, the new girl doesn’t make him feel inferior. They rid themselves of you for a clean slate.
  • Cos they're so tormented by their thoughts they need the buzz of a new relationship to distract them. They get bored so easily. Breaking up is sadly inevitable.
  • Thank you, Darren! The narcissistic discard is extremely confusing. One minute you think the friendship is going great, then the next minute they tell you that they can't talk to you for whatever reason they can come up with. It was the most confusing part of the friendship. I now see why that was being done. Brighter days have passed since then. Don't let these entities confuse you. Get out before you start to lose yourself! Love and light ✨️ 💛
  • I was discarded by the last narc because I stood firm on my boundaries and they felt entitled to an easy source of narcissistic supply. This person had no appetite for anything requiring effort.
  • The most common reason why a narcissist discards you, is of course when they see that they cannot influence/control you in any way. The second is, because they believe that when they discard you, you will start thinking of them of being right after all, and then missing them. And then later be coming back to them like a child to it's mother. So often they do this just with the hope and the intention that you do come back, feel guilty, and then use this feeling of guilt against you to influence and control you after all. The biggest mistake you can make is to think that a narcissist understands that he/she needs you, instead of the other way around. This person does not realize that. And even if they do realize it, they will find all kinds of excuses to justify the opposite for their own self comfort. As long as they need until they even start believing themselves. In their world, they are the person who is important, intelligent, and above all, indispensable. They consider themselves to be of indispensable value in both social, intelligence and even moral issues. They are always right, and if they are not right, they will find an excuse or argument to get it. Even if you have long forgotten about it, they will come back to this same issue later. They record everything you do or say so that they can later use it against you. One of the most common characteristics of a Narcissist is that they are very eager to tell and control who you should and should not have contact with. Especially when they themselves are a fight with this person, they will do everything they can in their power to blacken this person and prevent you and everyone else from having contact with that person. Their world is black and white. You are either with them or against them. And they will force you to take sides.
  • @jenb131
    The best thing the narc did for me was discard me. He came, he used, he left. Good riddance to the trash
  • I'm constantly surprised at how accurate these descriptions are - narcissists are entirely predictable caricatures of a real person. Once you see it, they know, and you have immediately outlived your usefulness. It's sad to be discarded, but it's sadder to stay.
  • @jg5930
    💯 spot on! Never let them back!! You’ve dodged a bullet. 😉
  • After the shock of my covert narcissist discard, educating myself about his disorder made me thankful that this most unbearably painful thing happened to my heart. Cruel inconsiderate, selfish, unfaithful, immature, lying, user. His discard was his way out. He can have his hell, I choose peace. He misjudged my capabilities, but I know all about his. Sad martyr, victim, hero. Blessed by being discarded.
  • To Paul Hynes: You hit the nail right on the head with what you wrote. It truly doesn't matter what we do or don't do ..... we are going to get discarded either way. That's a good way to sum things up .... damned if we do and damned if we don't. (If you meant what I thought you meant.) Thank you.
  • Another situation the Narcissists uses, is befriends a person that they automatically feel superior to, such as an older person, a disabled person, looking for what they can gleam from the person, even material benefits.
  • Thank you. If the discard happens, it is not permanent and that we should always remember. We need to decide that our heart is done with the narcisists and it is us to finish those relationships. Thank you.
  • 💥🙌🏼 ..”narcissists tend to use others just to meet their own needs!”💥🙌🏼 That pretty sums it up!!! If their self serving needs aren’t being met … shame on the person who had enough common sense to finally say NO!If you’re one of them who figured out the N, or found the courage to stand up, or see the bigger picture… embrace the ADIOS and celebrate like you’ve reached the top of Mount Rushmore! Fantastic video and great points! Thank you, Darren!
  • give n take is normal in a relationship... but with the narcissist, it is take, take, take. until all ur resources are depleted. they will always be an empty vessel. thanks for the vid Darren.. x
  • @sandie683
    So so correct! My narc cheated me with money and went for a new younger supply. It seems there's so many of these demons around.
  • Thank You So Very Much For Sharing This 🙏I Needed To Hear This. I Was Recently Discarded Thrown Away Horribly In A Text.Message I’m Struggling To Disconnect From This Person I’m Severely Trauma Bonded And I’m Struggling To Block This Person. I Would Never Wish Narcissistic Abuse On Anyone . The Abuse Is Very Brutal 😢
  • So, in a nutshell...damned if you do and damned if you don't.