'You've proven yourself a risk to aviation safety, I'm gonna make you land here". Real ATC Audio

Published 2024-07-14

All Comments (21)
  • @TheATCAudio
    The background and what happened before stays unknown.
  • @AeroGraphica
    Forcing her to land and taxi to an airport she did not want to land on, then telling her taxiing there without being familiar is dangerous. Something is off there .
  • "You should not taxi around in an unfamiliar airport without an instructor" Yeah bro who's fault is that?
  • @flabarre9776
    The short clip doesn't indicate she was a hazard to aviation safety, except the fact that she didn't expedite that climb... She's in a Cessna, not a jet! You can only climb so fast/steep in one of those!
  • Controllers don't have the authority to require a pilot to land at an airport. I don't know the story behind this, but I would have told him to pound sand. With that being said, by the sound of things, the pilot might have obtained their license over the internet.
  • @mgclark46
    @TheATCAudio Poor choice to post this without noting that is 10 years old and providing no context.
  • Forces her to land then lectures her for taxiing alone at an unfamiliar airport.
  • @sammahasona
    Something is off, if she was struggling then why ask her to copy a number while in air. Could has given it on the ground. Also they forced her to land and continue to say it's dangerous to taxi in unknown airport. Wish we had more details.
  • @billfly2186
    While her radio calls were not very good, I'm not sure what she may have done wrong? Profiling in the Gateway tower? I've had some sketchy encounters with contract towers over the years. They are not the best and brightest. FAA rejects or retirees.
  • @xsleep1
    The audio seems to have started after she did something wrong. She seemed to be heading towards Falcon Field which is shown to the NW of KIWA. According to Wikipedia it's home to the largest flight school in the world (!) catering to lots of foreign students (maybe explaining her heavy accent). Falcon tower is 126.6. Gateway tower is 120.6. Is this a simple typo on her part when trying to contact Falcon? Whatever, when she mentioned wanting to go to Falcon ATC should have given her the correct frequency and maybe headed her in that direction. This can't be the first time this has happened between these two airports only ~10 miles from each other.
  • Tower has a point. Ground does not: "Dangerous" for a licensed pilot to taxi at an unfamiliar airport is false and just piling-on.
  • @edadan
    Since when can ATC "make you" land at an airport that you don't want to go to? These folks seemed a bit harsh. Even the ground controller telling her that she shouldn't be taxiing around without an instructor if she's not familiar with the airport is nonsense. How would anyone go to a new airport if that is the expectation?!
  • @davebartosh5
    From the FAR's: "The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible, and is the final authority as to the operation of that aircraft." I saw another comment saying 'I would have told that controller to pound sand'. Yup...the law backs that up too.
  • @1dash133
    I don't understand what went on here. It's like we're missing half the story. What did the pilot do that was so egregious that the ATC demanded she immediately land?
  • This seems like a controller problem and not a pilot. Scolds her for not being familiar with an airport she had no desire to land at and force her to fly out with an instructor she doesn't know. What's she do if the instructor's they have say no?
  • @SoloPilot6
    2:11 --- "I'm gonna make you land here at Gateway." ATC doesn't have this authority, except during national emergency such as 9/11. 4:30 -- "If you're not familiar with the airport, you should not be taxiing around without and instructor. That's dangerous." The appropriate response here is "I was hijacked by ATC and forced to land here, then given orders to do things that you are calling dangerous."
  • @waldoinaz
    It would have been helpful to have the 5-10 minutes of interaction before the video started.
  • @jimeditorial
    Something is missing here...she seens very uncomfortable wuth operating into a larger airport and requested a return to a familiar, likely smaller field...why not vector her there? She already had a number to call later
  • @wjatube
    My guess is this is not the first time this controller has had problems with foreign-born pilots from a nearby school. Perhaps the ATC had a protocol in place to ground asap. The only thing that bothers me is distracting her with a phone number before she stops on the ground. Did he expect her to call them before landing?
  • @bapbiswas
    Bit harsh making her write down the number whilst conducting a stressful manoeuvre