Joe Rogan Experience #1691 - Yeonmi Park

Yeonmi Park is a North Korean Human Rights Activist, and author of “In Order To Live: a North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom.”

コメント (21)
  • @bandolinaful
    I watched this when it first came out, read her book, and watched it again. I am able to feed my son tonight a nice dinner, donate clothes i don't want anymore, water my plants, inventory my pantry, wear jeans, call my mom who is 3000 miles away, laugh at a goofy video, place an order for vitamins. My life is rich beyond belief. I'm so very thankful.
  • @BabvBlues
    I was paying attention to when her voice cracks and I noticed that every time she gets filled with tears is when she’s discussing the pain of someone else that isn’t herself. I just wanted to point out how selfless this beautiful woman is🥹
  • @murcon001
    This woman is in America less then 10 years and understands it better then most citizens.
  • @anaguzman391
    Never seen Joe take so many deep breaths, I know he was feeling the pain.
  • I have never been more grateful for my entire life than I am right now listening to this woman. What an absolute BEAST of a human she is.... may be tiny but she has incredible courage.
  • @Lilguyy69
    "Along my journey, I have seen the horrors that humans can inflict on one another, but I've also witnessed acts of tenderness and kindness and sacrifice in the worst imaginable circumstances. I know that it is possible to lose part of your humanity in order to survive. But I also know that the spark of human dignity is never completely extinguished, and that given the oxygen of freedom and the power of love, it can grow again." - yeonmi park
  • @officecrazy7
    Thanks Mr. Joe Rogan for having her on as a guest. This is time well spent.
  • @Manila-wo3pi
    Yeonmi Park is a name everyone should know. This interview taught me so much, I had no idea how horrific it was in North Korea, I was astonished she could live through so much trauma and come out with hope and love. This instantly puts life into perspective, I pray with you all for a better world rid of the none sense that will focus on fixing the evil that exists.
  • You don’t know how good you have it until you hear stories like this!
  • This is the best person Joe has ever had on his podcasts. She is an amazing human being.
  • @rnungaray1990
    in the U.S. we use look for things to complain about. after listening to her journey, we have zero to complain about. we live in abundance.
  • This needs to be shown in EVERY college, high school in America! Wake up people!
  • @amandafey3145
    I watched Yeonmi’s interview with Peterson and on the Shawn Ryan show. This story needs to be told. So glad she continues to get it out there. Pray for the world.
  • Every public school and college should be playing this podcast in a classroom
    This is absolutely shocking! Why is the world not talking about this?
  • What a tragic story. Bless her heart, and shame on the UN...
  • Girllllll…. I remember when you first spoke out about North Korea… seeing you years later on here… I’m so proud of you, always.
  • @michaelm7
    She was a stranger in a strange land. Her words and experiences are so valuable to our world and culture.
  • @thedr1911
    This is so important. We are in dire need of hearing these sentiments. This cannot be allowed to be censored
  • @leano.3983
    Her book In Order to Live is definitely a must-read. It had me in tears and made me see things differently, making me so grateful for everything I have. When she mentioned that her journey is similar to the fictional book The Hunger Games, she wasn’t lying. Her story of survival and escape is truly remarkable.