Kurt Rosenwinkel "Zhivago" feat. Mehldau, Turner, Street & Ballard (Live at Smalls 1996)

Published 2024-07-26
Kurt Rosenwinkel - The Next Step Band (Live at Smalls 1996) is now available! Buy the album on Heartcore Records:

MORE INFO HERE: linktr.ee/The_Next_Step_Band

Brad Mehldau - Piano
Kurt Rosenwinkel - Guitar, Composition
Mark Turner - Saxophone
Ben Street - Upright Bass
Jeff Ballard - Drums

Video by Michaela Bóková
Video Editing Assistants Mario Pedro and Salvador Graça
Band Photos from Kurt Rosenwinkel's archive

Heartcore Records’ newest release “The Next Step (Live at Smalls 1996)” presents Kurt Rosenwinkel and his cadre of adept musical counterparts- tenor saxophonist Mark Turner, bassist Ben Street, percussionist Jeff Ballard and pianist Brad Mehldau (on “Zhivago”) ripping through a fiery set of six original compositions that would eventually form the framework of the seminal studio masterpiece.
An unearthed live recording from Heartcore Records captures the legendary Next Step ensemble performing with flourishing creativity and improvisational flow.


All Comments (21)
  • @michaelhamm2271
    I remember walking into a local record store, back in 2000. A friend of mine (and touring jazz bassist) was walking out of the same store. He had just come back from being in NYC for some gigs. He asked me, "Have you heard of Kurt Rosenwinkel?" I had heard of him but wasn't familiar with his music (after all, these were the days before music streaming). He then said "I saw his group at Smalls in NYC. This guy is speaking a different language. Go inside and buy anything available by him!" I bought East Coast Love Affair and The Next Step. In a life constantly busy with teaching, rehearsing, and gigging, I rarely get a chance to just sit and listen to records from start to finish. I not only did that with each of those records; I have done that (with headphones no less) with everything Kurt has put out. What a visionary, who has forever changed jazz guitar and jazz composition. Like players as varied as Hendrix and Jaco, there is jazz guitar before Kurt Rosenwinkel, and, jazz guitar after him.
  • @pvallef
    The “next step” is the “kind of blue” of our generation
  • Kurt is the lighthouse in this ocean of music subculture… Thank you Kurt for keeping music alive.
  • What an amazing band. I wish they made more records from that period. Brad’s solo is beyond beautiful..
  • @DaMonster
    More music from one of the great jazz groups of all time 🥳
  • @gusbarros
    This song when the Next Step album was released changed jazz guitar world forever!
  • @jazzbrew68
    I can't get over how great this recording sounds considering (I believe) it was recorded on the house system. Wonderful music from a great band!
  • @marcwhy
    Yeah! Just ordered the CD!! This quartet is the best!
  • this song is amazing !!! thanx Kurt... and your playing is from another planet
  • @pallhe
    Great version! I'm amazed that this song has existed for almost 30 years, having heard it for the first time on Our Secret World (2010?).
  • @MasonRazavi
    This is incredible! And I love the video too!