Rewinding A Mains Transformer - Tek 585A scope - Part Two.

Published 2024-03-10
Practical hand winding mains transformers - pitfalls, problems & prevarication.

All Comments (7)
  • @ianmorgan6104
    Hats off to you Andy, that is no easy task winding that Tek TFRM. You have made me realise you have to take your time on the actual winding process and keep checking your work constantly. I have a similar filing system of note taking, a bit here and a bit there, not ideal so good advice to keep them all in one notepad or similar. Looking forward to see how this progresses. : )
  • @BrumAdam
    It looks really good so far! Great attention to detail too 👍
  • Very even and pretty windings considering the thick wire you're using and the fact that you don't have a winding machine.
  • @perrymattes4285
    I had an old tek scope and the manual stated the transformer was warranted for life.
  • @stevebabiak6997
    The insulation on the wire can withstand the voltage - except when pinhole defects in the magnet wire insulation occur adjacent to each other. There’s not much you can do about that with turns side by side on the same layer. But between layers, insulation such as what you showed early in the video would be appropriate. Now, if this is a one off, and not intended for larger production, you might be inclined to take your chances.