The Pirates Trilogy is Pure Bliss

Published 2023-09-26
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The Pirates of the Caribbean's two initial sequels -- Dead Man's Chest and At World's End -- were widely derided when they came out because we were dumb spoiled babies in the 2000s and didn't realize how bad things would get.

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Music by
Epidemic Sound.

“Electric Mantis - Daybreak | Majestic Color”

All Comments (21)
  • @edmeister4031
    It's honestly crazy how Davy Jones CGI still holds up almost 20 years later.
  • @TheForbiddenRing
    I love how we all just accept these movies are a trilogy (not that more exist).
  • @EvilM0nkeyRules
    "BARBOSA MARRY US" "IM A LITTLE BUSY AT THE MOMENT!" it's My favorite line ever
  • @sydneyice
    One thing i love about the trilogy is how brutal they are. They have no problem killing people on screen yet its not gory
  • @BeatonFilms
    My wife and I just watched these for the first time in a decade and I was SHOCKED by how much better these films are than so many franchise films coming out today. Feels like real film making.
  • @ThePonderer
    The whole original trilogy holds up so well it’s insane.
  • @ZETH_27
    15:31 I still to this day absolutely love the tiny, but vital addition of Barbossa's little confused look as Swan pulls the gun out. It's such a light gesture, but from that character, at that time, with that level of confusion, just makes Elizabeth's delivery of the scene elevate even more!
  • @attackfox
    I can't describe how much this trilogy meant to me when they came out. I was able to escape the confusing time of my teens and lose myself in this pirate adventure. Every single aspect of the films were spot-on from the characters, action, story, music, and more.
  • @dansmudge135
    Hans Zimmer captures how Will and Elizabeth feel in music, so that we resonate with the emotion, it’s incredible and glad you mentioned it.
  • @OakViewFilms
    Back when $200+ million budgeted blockbusters actually LOOKED like they cost $200+ million to make. The production design, practical effects, and CGI were impressive for the time (especially on Davy Jones), and have aged like fine wine.
  • @patrikkovacs3216
    These movies were a big part of my childhood. Elizabeth was a character who I watched in awe everytime I saw her. She was THE woman for a lot of us growing up in the early 2000's. She was perfect in every way possible, even her flaws were perfect! Their romance with Will, especially the ending of Dead Man's Chestt can STILL bring tears to my eyes. I usually don't like romance in films like these, but this was different. It was, is, and will forever be perfection. I am so sad they don't write movies so well anymore. It really is a shame.
  • The fact these 2 movies were derided is insane. They are literally masterpieces.
  • @Double-R-Nothing
    Ive always adored how real the movies looked. The sets are vast and detailed, the costumes will have you staring at them taking in every stitch, you can almost feel the textures of Jack's waistcoat, or smell the rotting deck of the Dutchman. Such grounded realism was thoroughly obliterated when 4 and 5 switched to digital and went with gimmicky CGI.
  • @SadGirlHours_
    The chemistry between Elizabeth and Will is INCREDIBLE, you just don’t get that many action movies whose leads have romantic and physical chemistry like that anymore
  • @Neutral_Tired
    the rare action comedy that has a good idea of when to be funny, when to take itself seriously, and how to appropriately blend the two.
  • @marisamatson3103
    And this is why we have a Pirates marathon every year in our house
  • @M4cTr1cK
    I LOVE the feeling of chaos in the third and 'final' movie. People call it messy, but for me it's pure pirate madness. Not even talking about how beautiful the movie holds up.
  • @maduross
    It’s not just Elizabeth Swan, every character has their own personalities, motivations, strengths and weaknesses, and all get enough screen time to learn and grow and change while staying true to their character throughout the whole 3 film arc with satisfying and emotionally resonant conclusions. It’s quite astonishing to go back and see how perfect the writers got it compared to what Disney/Marvel/DC writers rooms put out today.
  • @jonnytap
    The Pirates Trilogy has to be my favorite of all time. I'd like to add that I love how it connects the smaller details between movies. Do y'all remember when we saw the dog left at the island in the 2nd movie but then we see the dog again with Jack's dad at the Brethren Court in the 3rd movie. "Sea turtles, mate"