The Faster-Than-Light Guillotine

Published 2019-09-26
Kyle explores physics phenomena that apparently break the SPEED OF LIGHT, and does the math on a totally NOT EVIL F.T.L. machine.

All Comments (21)
  • @becausescience
    Thanks for watching, Super Nerds! This was a fun one, as many others have talked about these phenomena, but I've never seen the math on how to make some of them "work." See you in Footnotes. -- kH
  • @ShadowLynx777
    Kyle stop telling us how we can exploit the Universe's physics engine. The devs won't like that.
  • @brown297
    And the barman said "sorry we don't serve tachyons here" A tachyon walks into a bar...
  • @eggmcmuffin6067
    “I’m not a supervillain.” looks at next video “Should we nuke Mars?”
  • @jerrynope7060
    "I'm not a super villain, but what if rocket guillotine "
  • @paradox7358
    The faster-than-light guillotine. Louis XVI has left the chat
  • @randywa
    Kyle: I’m not a super-villain Also Kyle: Lets make a giant space guillotine.
  • @billyyank1163
    When will the "Let's put rockets on our space guillotine." t-shirt be available? Asking for a friend.
  • @TheKnuckleneck
    Kyle: "Here's why you DON'T want superpowers." Also Kyle: "Here's another way I could kill you with science, you non-superpowered nerds." TOTALLY not a supervillain.
  • @fandiandan
    "I'm not a Super Villain, i swear." Sounds like something a Super Villain would say...
  • @morlath4767
    The "speed of dark" has been one of those things that have fascinated me for ages, you supervillain you.
  • @solidsnake8330
  • "We wouldn't have a planet chopper anymore." Why do I hear disappointment in Kyle's voice?
  • @theshamanite
    Stuck with a phantom German accent? You may have Einstein moustache.
  • @MonkeySimius
    I really like the fact that you threw in that pushing on the scissor handle would only propagate the force through the scissor at the speed of sound. Not that it really mattered to the point you were making, but taking the time to mention that shows a care for accuracy, even while discussing ridiculous things, that is just really refreshing. Kudos to you and your team.
  • @Nebulabomb
    Kyle is definitely not a super villain. He is clearly informing everyone of the potential dangers that comes with a greater understanding of science. I mean, its not like he is using these videos as a subtle way to threaten any potential heroes that might stop his rise to ultimate glory or anything. Totally not evil in the slightest. For the glory of SCIENCE!
  • @PyroMancer2k
    "I'm not a super villain. And if anyone knows it, it's me." The thing that makes a good villain is that they don't think they are the villain. ;)
  • @EdKolis
    Are you sure about that "speed of dark" thing? Because it sounds awfully similar to "let's destroy the sun and see how long it takes for people on Earth to notice", which of course does obey the speed of light. Not that I've personally destroyed the sun...
  • @tonyt756
    "Answer the phone you coward." is my new favorite way to call people.