Stoicism as a philosophy for an ordinary life | Massimo Pigliucci | TEDxAthens

How to change your life for the better by practicing ancient Greco-Roman philosophy as a way of life. Massimo Pigliucci has a PhD in Evolutionary Biology from the University of Connecticut and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Tennessee. He currently is the K.D. Irani Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York. His research interests include the philosophy of biology, the science philosophy relationship, pseudoscience and the philosophy of Stoicism.

Having published in national and international outlets such as the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, he is a Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and a Contributing Editor to Skeptical Inquirer. He owns two blogs: Plato’s Footnote on general philosophy and How to Be a Stoic on his personal exploration of Stoicism as practical philosophy.

Pigliucci has also published 153 technical papers in science and philosophy, while he is the author or editor of 13 books, most recently of the best selling How to Be A Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

コメント (21)
  • My Dad told me when I was very young: “don’t worry about things you can’t control because you can’t change them, and don’t worry about things you can control because you can change them” I obviously ain’t perfect but I recite this like a mantra daily and it’s always helped me.
  • "Emotions at the very basic level are the properties of the mind, don't let them dominate you. "
  • "Worry about what's under your control." That's a liberating concept
  • Stoicism is not just a philosophy, but it is a way of living well-balanced life.
  • I think this is a very underrated video and an underrated topic. This video deserves atleast a million views.
  • if these things were taught in my school or college.. i would not have taken so much time to heal.
  • This audience didn’t deserve him. Excellent talk!
  • Stoicism is the most underrated philosophy. The one that actually helps humans deal with problems.
  • @fedev80
    We need stoicism more than ever, a beacon from within the roots of our civilization that got lost in time somewhow. I think about any modern problem in the light of stoicism, and I'am amazed of how lost we are.
  • I think Stoicism is one of the things that can help people get a life that isn`t just ordinary. It increases peoples productivity and if you put in enough work you can achive anything.
  • Mi bisabuelo decía: "Si tu problema tiene solución, pa' que te preocupas? Y si tu problema no tiene solucion... ¿Pa' que te preocupas?" Alguien puso un comentario similar en inglés, y es bonito saber que existe este modo de pensar a pesar de la distancia, y por supuesto, de los años:)
  • Stoicism is an indifference to the outward circumstances and getting all your power from within... It actually frees you up to do more with your life 😍💖🕊️
  • "Unless a virus strikes you down" I felt that. I think Stoicism could be really useful in our lives —especially today.
  • Practicing Stoicism has helped me get through deaths, that I had zero control of, and things that did not work out or things I forgot and could not undo, and may etc. Things out of your control are just that, nothing you can do damn thing about!