Отава Ё - Про Ивана Groove (русское готическое R'N'B) - Otava Yo

Publicado 2012-04-23
Второй официальный видеоклип группы Отава Ё. (HD)
Iе место в World Music Network's OCTOBER 2012 VIDEOS CHART:
Официальная группа вконтакте: vk.com/otavayo
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OtavaYo/
Купить песню - j.mp/1LNdWYe

Режиссёр - Алексей Белкин.

Оператор - Тимур Сигидин, Павел Карпенков
Режиссёр монтажа - Всеволод Алёхин
Клип был снят во время гастролей в Польше, Словакии, Германии, Эстонии и Карелии в июле-августе 2011 года.
Большое спасибо сотрудникам этнографического музея польского города Wegorzewo за предоставленную возможность съёмок.
сайт группы: otava-yo.spb.ru/
скачать все альбомы: otavae.kroogi.ru/

Otava Yo - the tale of Ivan groove
Second official videoclip of Otava Yo.
Number 1 in World Music Network's OCTOBER 2012 VIDEOS CHART: www.worldmusic.net/charts/video/2012-10-01/october…
Was shot during European tour in Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Estonia and Karelia in July-August 2011.

official homepage of group: otava-yo.spb.ru/
download and donate: otavae.kroogi.ru/
Oh Ivan, my dear Ivan, where you've been all night? Where you've been all night?
You haven't been to your darling's place...
Haven't been to my darling's place, didn't see my pals, my sweet girl, don't be angry with me
Don't be angry with me, that I didn't come to you, that I didn't make it over, I found myself on the street, playing fiddle all night down on the street!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Today, as I was walking down the street (I live in NYC), I heard this lovely music coming from a guy's parked car...he had his window open. I stopped to listen. I loved it so much that I asked him "What band is this?" He replied "They are from Russia." The driver was actually playing this very video on his iphone and showed it to me. I copied down the name Otavio Yo....and here I am. So glad I found this. Wonderful music!
  • @angelika77st
    I'm sitting here in Texas with my son Ivan. We found this video by accident. We loved the tone and suddenly I see the lyrics are about an Ivan. My son smiled. He is 7. I am from Mexico and this music made me happy. Thank you
  • @bryanward7451
    Bravo ... from the hills of West Virginia. Music is the one thing that brings folks of all languages together!
  • @Rampampam-xh7js
    Ich mag diese Band! Ich bin froh, sie durch Zufall entdeckt zu haben.
    Grüße aus Deutschland!
  • @RiverGem
    I'm a 68-year-old American and I thought I pretty much had life figured out, then up pop some crazy Russians and tilt my world view on its axis! Thank you! I needed that! 🥰
  • @AnthonyMazzotti
    I listen to a lot of Отава Ё and like a bunch of their songs. I don't speak Russian and wanted to learn what they were saying in this song. It took me about six hours to learn the lyrics. At least now I can sing the words, not perfect, but still fun. Love from the U.S.A.
  • @Banapis
    Greetings from Tennessee, USA! I was actually looking for a Russian band in a completely different genre and YouTube suggested this video. I'm glad it did. This is awesome!
    Зайдешь в комментарии под музыкальным видео и душа радуется: люди шлют друг-другу приветы с разных стран и со всех континентов. А зайдешь под любое политическое видео и видишь противоположное: все друг-друга ненавидят. Политика создана чтобы людей разделять, а музыка - чтобы объединять. Миру нужно больше музыки.
  • @Hillbilly_Papist
    No Idea what I just watched, but I think I finally found my people.
  • Привет из Боготы, Колумбия. Я считаю, что они потрясающие, это отличная группа, я учитель математики, и мы всегда начинаем занятия с вашей музыки, что очень важно.Мои ученики очень рады вас слушать.Спасибо за вашу помощь.
  • @maryohnoss7755
    Muzyka ponad podziałami ! 😍Sława 🤩Pozdrawiam z Polski .😘
  • @18deadmonkeys
    I'm not even going to question YouTube's recommended algorithm anymore. This is awesome.
  • Im a Tennessee fiddle player(violin) and you almost perfectly captured and reproduced our folk culture 100 years ago in Tennessee and Kentucky and West Virginia (USA Appalachian States or "provinces" within the US- we do not have provinces). You even showed a Drum by REMO- the Russian hats and overall wholesomeness from the 1950s immediately made me wake up and pay attention; you are simply dancing in a circle, with folk music, fun- the way we did here 1800s-middle 1900s before Elvis, Beatles, modern country music.
  • @Ilike-bear
    Це шедевр, дякую за вашу справжню і щиру музику, а все інше наступає і проходить.
  • @CajunRose
    I'm from Southern Louisiana, USA. I have no idea what the words they're saying. But, the feeling of the music, dancing and smiles bring my heart such joy. 👏👏
  • @57trensota75
    The best of country music, celebrating simple good human nature !! I love this! Thank you! From Indiana, United States
  • @tubesound1408
    Я меломан со стажем 60-т лет и вот что должен сказать. Это фолк высшего уровня! Ничего подобного не слышал со времён братьев Фьюри..Огромное вам спасибо, ребята!