Receiving Digital HF -- Even if Not a Licensed Ham!

Removing the excuses and providing guidance and resources! In a major grid-down event how will you stay informed in an information blackout?
News, information, and situation reports will be flying across the airwaves by experienced hams from all over the country, and beyond. But you don't have to be a licensed ham to RECEIVE information that could be vital for making informed decisions, and for your overall situational awareness.

[ Editor Note: SDR = Software Defined Radio (NOT Software Designated Radio)
Grrrr! I have no idea how that typo happened, but thank you to the viewer who pointed that out! ]

All of the information, resources, and links to get you capable of receiving using FREE software and AFFORDABLE receivers, is posted at:…

(Some of the resources linked below are affiliate links, which helps support the work we do)

Shortwave Receivers (w/SSB):
Tecsun PL880....
Tecsun PL680...
Tecsun PL368...

Antenna 'Random Wire' length article:

SDR Receivers:
RTL-SDR Receiver...
...or the;
NUELEC SDR Receiver...

QUICKSTART Guide for setting up RTL-SDR:

To download and setup SDR Sharp signal decoding software:
Go to, and from the Downloads page, select ‘Software Defined Radio Package’.

Highly recommend YT vid covering full setup of RTL-SDR and SDRSharp on Windows 10:
   • Installing RTL-SDR & SDR Sharp on Win...  

FLDIGI Suite of FREE software for decoding data/digital mode radio traffic:

AmRRON Custom html forms downloadable at:

Don't forget the guide for importing and installing custom forms:

Video tutorials for downloading, installing, and using FLDIG, FLMSG, and FLAMP:

Audio Patch Cable:

USB Audio Adapter (if your computer does not have a mic 'in' jack):

Download guide:…
Download page:

AmRRON SOI (Signals Operating Instructions):…

AmRRON Intelligence Brief (AIB) latest white paper, including schedule, frequencies, and modes:…

コメント (16)
  • @rdsmith334
    I’m glad y’all are finally reaching out to non-HAMs, and trying to make things accessible to them. I think y’all probably have S2 Underground to thank for the increased interest in receiving HF net traffic
  • Absolutely awesome thanks for this. While I’m trying to play Radio with you guys, this will allow me to spread the gospel.
  • I thought this video probably could be skipped with my background. I was wrong. I did not know about an Android APP for FLMSG. Thank you.
  • @mutezone
    11:00, the information should be as follows. "LSB is used by HF HAMs below 10 MHz (160 + 80 + 40M bands, with the exception of the 60 meter band in some countries who use USB), USB is used by HF HAMs above 10 MHz (30 + 20 + 17 + 15 + 12 + 10M bands)." LSB is not mostly used for voice on most HF bands, it is split between LSB & USB depending which band you are on. An easier way to remember this is below 10 MHz = mostly LSB, above 10 MHz = USB There are also AM & FM mode HF HAM users, but these are far less than those who use SSB modes. USB for digital is stated correctly.
  • @Godkey1
    Very useful information about the AmRRon Digital msgs. Looking forward to more detailed instructions.
  • @BobBob-il2ku
    Great video! I don’t think people understand that shortwave = HF & your baofeng can’t listen to it.seems obvious to radio people but it’s not to new people
  • @areyoucrazyoo
    At 11:31 in your video some misinformation occurred. Correctly stated 160M, 80M, 40M are LSB For Voice, The rest of the HF Bands are USB (20M, 17M, 15M, 12M, 10M). USB For digital modes is correct.
  • @gooshy8312
    First, 5 stars on this video. Well done, BZ, 73s, atta boy, ad nauseum. Looking forward to fldigi - I've never had much luck with it. Later!
  • @Greg-et2dp
    I have the tecsun h 501x Mw lw fm stereo sw ssb 5 band disktop receiver
  • You don't need a Ham licence to use a receiver. No matter what frequencies the receiver covers. Yes it's legal to listen to the Aircraft bands, the police bands or any other bands of your choosing.
  • @notsogreat123
    Unless you live in the UK, when did anyone ever need a license to receive ?
  • Great video!! Get information, give information. I highly recommend AMRRONs training. Excellent information.