How to Do 90% of What Plugins Do (With Just Vim)

Published 2016-10-05
Vim is big; so big that it does some very useful things that are often overlooked. Plugins can buy us a lot of functionality, but they can add a lot of burden in the form of dependency complexity. In this talk, we'll explore some of the tradeoffs we can make between plugins and "vanilla" Vim features that achieve similar results, including:

- autocomplete (VimAwesome, YouCompleteMe)
- file jumping (FuzzyFinder, Ctrl-P)
- visual filesystem navigation (NERDTree)
- build integration
- snippets

The "slides" and supplemental vimrc are available here:

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All Comments (21)
  • @bgbong0
    It never fails. The speaker at a "Mastering Vim" will always have at least one moment in the live lesson where they say "Oh wow, I didn't know you could do that..." Just shows how deep the vim rabbit hole goes, and how learning-mode brain is so much more different than get-normal-work-done-mode brain.
  • @driden1987
    It's 2024 and I still keep coming back to these thoughbot vim talks (also some of the emacs ones). I don't know if these still exist, if they don't please bring them back, they're great
  • @jasonxoc
    This video and "Mastering the vim language" are my two favorite videos on vim, both from thoughtbot. After using Vim for about 2 years I still watch these videos from time to time when I'm bored.
  • @noelevans
    As a vim beginner / intermediate this talk is fantastic. Thank you!
  • For the question of how to select completion without leave insert mode, ^n ("n" for next), ^p ("p" for previous), and ^y for yes accept selection :)
  • @DeanGadberryYT
    I love this talk. I return to watch this video so many times because I continually forget that VIM is MASSIVELY extensible. Thank you for sharing this with us!
  • @reverseila4363
    After watching videos like this, one thing happend to me is that i now feel i can read help files more confidently. For very beginners, one should start with videos like these or even more simple, rather than reading through help to find ins and outs of everything. One of the best vim talks/tut videos i have watched. Thanks
  • @blank2707
    27:24 "some of the default bindings use ctrl-x, I have no idea why?" I'm like 80% sure the completion stuff was partly written by an emacser who was experimenting with the "dark" side. C-n, C-p, C-x.
  • @cognishn
    Easily one of the best vim talks I've ever seen!
  • @ECRandomBits
    The quick-fix window is way more powerful than it looks. You can write a compiler plugin (:h write-compiler-plugin) or :set makeprg + :set errorformat to a carefully constructed expression that can parse any error you want. Then :make does a lot of magic, calling your makeprg, parsing with errorformat, filling up the quick-fix and opening the first error. BTW. this video was the reason why I made the final move to VIM. Really cool stuff!
  • Great talk, thanks ! As to tags matching, you can also (at least in c, c++ files) type ^W ^I on any tag to open a new window with the actual definition (may it be in a header or in the file itself). If you look for #defines only, you can type ^W ^D.
  • @FerrumCorde
    Man I was in as soon as you started talking about overlooked tools being a priority. I'm all about that. I'ma have to watch a bunch of these
  • @ark5458
    48:51 just for reference, this is one of the coolest things i've seen
  • @sultral
    Excellent presentation! I learnt a lot from it. Thank you Max! Perfect speed and great humor along the way!
  • @porcellinoveille
    The best vim video I've ever watched. I learned tons of new features and worked on my vimrc file for hours to make it lighter. Now I am confident with help files and I can confirm that every single visit through these pages is an opportunity to be amazed again by the quality of this software. Love vim more and more <3
  • Fantastic video! The snippet completion thing with nnoremap is my new favorite feature.
  • @crownstupid
    CTRL+g is shortcut to show what file you're in.
  • @Zen-lz1hc
    The only regret I have is that I didn't start to use VIM earlier in my life. I was so stubborn... I love VIM now, and I can't see myself using any other code editor. I configurated VIM to my dream editor, you can literally make it do anything!!! Love it.