What Is Islamic Mysticism ?

Publicado 2023-12-26
#Islam #Bobbysperspective #christianity

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Dive into the mystical realm of Sufism. Discover the essence of Islamic Mysticism, its historical roots, and the transformative practices that define this spiritual path. From poetry to whirling dervishes, explore the captivating world of Sufism in just a few minutes. Join us on this brief yet enlightening journey

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @EyeON-PLSTN
    I think YT did something crappy with your YT Channel. Your videos are not showing up on Home as it did earlier.👀
  • @pitavant4348
    Selamun Aleykum I see many comments which arent really getting the point of sufism. Many people nowadays mix their own things in Islam and then call it sufism but that is not the truth behind it. True sufism isnt its own religion but mainly focuses on leaving behind your worldy matters so your soul will more and more get occupied only with the rememberance and obligations to Allah. Many people dont understand this. Its living Islam to the utmost humanly possible limit BUT still keep it inside the Quran and Sunnah. The most common way of sufis is to use all the time you have to remember (Dhikr) and to worship god. Obliterate your own Ego, dont live to please others, dont live to please your Ego, live solely to train your Soul to exist only for Allah (At least as much as you can). And in the remembrance and worhship to Allah our souls will find Peace and complete their meaning of existence. So truly what is better, next to fulfilling our Fard and Sunnah obligations, than occupying our time with Dhikr of Allah and making dua and gaining knowledge about him? True sufism is to only live for Allah. This may not be the best video that explains it. But there is so much knowledge in Sufism. Oh yea and important to keep this in mind: Many people who say they are Sufis and doing weird or crazy stuff dont really know what they are talking about. A true Sufi would never say that he is one. Because he has no need to. Because all he is, is a muslim who sacrifices all his time and all of his world and ego to train his soul to be closer to god. I hope you read this Bobby. Sufism is not a Path that is a bad one. It is the best kind of muslim. But the essence is very forgotten nowadays because of so many people that are doing weird stuff and saying its sufism.
  • @Mecca845
    I just read the night journey in the Quran and I loved it
  • @turkie3577
    These things attract people who's new to Islam or just started to learn , once you have an ok amount of knowledge you stick to Sunnah & don't look at it anymore except to take few things that might be useful , may Allah guide us
    @bobby brother, I understand that the intent is to get closer to Allah. Please read what our Prophet pbuh said. "By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and more afraid of Him than you.". Please read complete hadith below, Sahih al-Bukhari 5063 Narrated Anas bin Malik: A group of three men came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) asking how the Prophet (ﷺ) worshipped (Allah), and when they were informed about that, they considered their worship insufficient and said, "Where are we from the Prophet (ﷺ) as his past and future sins have been forgiven." Then one of them said, "I will offer the prayer throughout the night forever." The other said, "I will fast throughout the year and will not break my fast." The third said, "I will keep away from the women and will not marry forever." Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) came to them and said, "Are you the same people who said so-and-so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and more afraid of Him than you; yet I fast and break my fast, I do sleep and I also marry women. So he who does not follow my tradition in religion, is not from me (not one of my followers).
  • @junrad1
    Historically, Sufi practitioners have included influential leaders such as Saladin, Imam Shamil, Omar Mukhtar, Abdulqadir Al-Jazairi, and other notable figures from the Ottoman era, demonstrating how the practice of Tasawwuf can shape the character and leadership qualities of individuals.
  • @amersekic8535
    Tasawwuf is deeply rooted in islam and it's akhlaq, adab, raising your own soul to have best character and utmost respect for all living beings and strictly keeping to shariah, and doing as much as nafil ibadah as possible, and one of main characteristic is knighthood. Like being honorable human being.
  • @verity4917
    Dear Bobby, thank you heartily for covering the different aspects of Islam. It's very important for us to know the beauty of our religion. Thank you! ❤
  • @sugaboss
    Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi maybe the most famous from the Western point of view, however the shultan of the awliya was Staikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailany as well as Syaikh Abu AlHasan Ali Syadzili ... And the greatest Islamic spiritualism scholar is Al-Ghazali.
  • @KevinKanthur
    I'm not a muslim but I'm very interested in sufism, specially in Ibn' Arabi. I love the channel 'Let's Talk Religion' for these kind of topics.
  • dthikr is mentioned in the quran , with thidkr the hearts of the believers will have peace and shakinah , but dancing , beating drums , whirling , circles , tareeqa , all that was innovated way many years after the prophet and his companions , the essence of true faith is to follow not innovate , we have an excellent example in prophet muhamad and imam ali and the rightous followers , good examples to follow , in following them there is guidance
  • @mahfuzali9883
    This cannot be called Islamic as it is not Islamic. Anything added to the religion is not Islamic. May Allah continue to guide and bless you brother
  • @TheRevertMuslim
    Assalamu Alaikum Wa’rahmattulahi Wa’barakatuh my dear Brother Bobby!!! Alhamdulillah!!!! Jazaka’Allahu Khairan akhi, i truly appreciate this video as it was extremely informative for me as well as fascinating my brother!!! Looking forward to our future collab my brother, inshaa’Allah ta’Ala… and i know so many of our viewers are anticipating it as well, Subhana’Allah!!
  • Salam alaikum my brother! Im so happy to be here now, alhamdulillah. I've converted in september 2023 and i can safely say that your first video reading the quran was sort of a first step on my journey torwards Al Islam. May God blees you deeply and make your path clear to Jannah. Much love from Brazil!
  • @kabamaro0081
    🔴You can find a lot of real Islamic mysticism in the Quran and Sunnah. Sofism is a sector, Firstly it was on the sunnah like almost all the companians, when we meant Sofy from the Sof "old cheap wool" they were ascetics who shunned the Dunia and focused on the soul. But now, it went beyond being just a linguistic term, it is a group that do many Beda'as.
  • @fux5001
  • @mianzarrar3796
    Anyone can be fascinated by spirituality, Sufism, or mysticism, which is common in every religion because it is a man-made deen way of life that has nothing to do with God's religion. What is its authenticity?
  • Very well done. Sufism is but the internal dimension of al-Islam, and constitutes the spiritual half of the faith. It is indispensable just as the body requires the soul, and its primary purpose is the cultivation of sincerity, humility, and nearness to and knowledge of God. May Allah guide to what is best!
  • @C63V8
    Very good video with clarifications and distinctions. Pacifist, and in many cases apologetic types,who like to use tasavvuf as their coverup, like Hamza Yusuf&Co., should remember that sufis in our past didn't back of with various excuses when times got tough. They knew when it was time for dhikr(zikr), and when it was time to fight. Examples: sufi orders in Salahaddin's army, Janissary corps (Bektashi order) in the Ottoman army, Imam Shamil of Caucasus/Dagestan, sufi of Naqshbandi order..and many others
    Imam Shafi had said in his diwan, be both a sufi and a faqih, and not just one of them. So one can only practise tasawwuf when one practises fiqh properly.