
Published 2020-07-20
This is the seventh episode of "Animal World" and the 13th episode of "Human World".
Let’s talk about 5 mysterious ancient human beings, let’s fly their brains...
Related videos:
Prion→   • 神的禁令,寫在人類的20號染色體上,神究竟禁止人類做什麼?|自說自話的總裁  
Collective Subconscious→   • 學會控制夢,就能成為神,特斯拉原來是個控梦高手……天才的靈感都來源於夢中?...  
Brain→   • 從大腦之謎到腦機接口,「腦後插管」離我們只差2個月……|自說自話的總裁  
Anunnaki→   • 尼比魯、烏爾城、永生樹、大洪水、神血人, 蘇美爾人留下的五個驚奇(上)|自...  
South American Anunnaki→   • 阿努納奇也是南美神?沒被歷史抹掉的阿努納奇南美線索……|自說自話的總裁  
Mu mainland→   • 5個已經被考古發現的「亞特蘭蒂斯」們,個個傳奇 | 自說自話的總裁  
→→If you like it, remember to subscribe to my channel: bit.ly/2GVplYr
The channel content is organized as follows:
→→"Animal World"
**Talk about all kinds of magical animals Episode 6 (megalodon)→   • 3米長的大白鯊竟離奇消失,是什麼隱秘在深海的角落……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 5 (Mongolian Death Worm)→   • 蒙古死亡蠕蟲:找到它就能找到成吉思汗的寶藏……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 4 (Ursa) →    • 二戰中的熊戰士:抽煙、喝酒、把妹,還能晉升下士……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 3 (mites)→   • 螨蟲:毛囊裡的異形,看完這期你的皮膚會變好……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 2 (Canned Herring & Rotten Meat)→   • 鯡魚罐頭:可以吃的生化武器,吃腐肉也許是一種本能……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 1 (Whale Burst)→   • 鯨爆:大自然的炸彈,有史以來最有味道的一集……|自說自話的總裁  
→→"Psychological Series"
**Talk about all kinds of miscellaneous psychology ninth episode (five experiments) →    • 五個殘酷的心理學實驗,把人當做實驗對象,揭開了人心中的秘密……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 8 (Li Sichun Experiment) →    • 探訪靈界的實驗:前台大校長李嗣涔博士的超自然實驗……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 7 (Obsessive-compulsive disorder) →    • 強迫症都是被神選中的人?腦海中控制不住的強迫念頭來自哪裡?|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 6 (Skinner Box)→   • 正在控制你的心理學秘術……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 5 (Brain & Brain-Computer Interface)→   • 從大腦之謎到腦機接口,「腦後插管」離我們只差2個月……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 4 (Forebrain & Soul)→   • 科學黑歷史:切除腦子的手術,竟然還得過諾貝爾獎……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode Three (Mouse Utopia)→   • 25號宇宙:預言人類結局的實驗:老鼠烏托邦,未來已來……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 2 (Lu Dongbin, Jung, Pauli)→   • 神寫的書,來自中國,讀懂它的兩個歐洲人,都被現代科學「封神」|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 1 (Control Dreams and Become a God)→   • 學會控制夢,就能成為神,特斯拉原來是個控梦高手……天才的靈感都來源於夢中?...  
→→"Human Series II"
**Talk about all sorts of miscellaneous things about biology Episode 12 (Slave of Genes)→   • 《自私的基因》揭秘:我们都是基因的奴隶……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 11 (Rickettsite)→   • 穿越的醫書,1700年前的中醫典籍,記載了1928年的諾貝爾獎……|自說自...  
Episode 10 (Soul)→   • 神寫的書,來自中國,讀懂它的兩個歐洲人,都被現代科學「封神」|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 9 (anthrax)→   • 惡魔的種子,一定要被禁止……|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 8 (Prion)→   • 神的禁令,寫在人類的20號染色體上,神究竟禁止人類做什麼?|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 7 (Bacteriophage) →    • 38億年前的納米機器人:曾被雪藏100年的發現,未來將是拯救人類的超級武器...  
Episode 6 (consciousness)→   • 【總裁夫人首出鏡】病毒,打開基因鎖的鑰匙……人類如何進化?人類的自我意識從...  
→→"Finance Series"
**Talk about various miscellaneous things about making money, Episode 1 (short)→   • 金融危機正在盤旋:我們如何在金融危機中賺錢?|自說自話的總裁  
Episode 2 (Keynes & Alchemy) →    • 三個最強煉金術士,煉金術即將被再次使用……|自說自話的總裁  
→→"Prehistoric Ancient Civilization Series": bit.ly/2X9jBAd
**Here, let's talk about the things of prehistoric ancient civilization.
0, China (Yellow Emperor, Fuhao, Nine Demon Pagoda, Tibet, Xinjiang) bit.ly/2RfV2S2
1. Indus Valley (Mohenjo Daro, Krishna-Dwarka) bit.ly/2rMlJ6g
2. Anatolia (Gobekli Stone Array, Derinkuyu Underground City) bit.ly/2Y6ZBzA
3. Sumer (Myth-Nibiru-Anunnaki, Sumerian King List, Gilgamesh, Enkidu and Chiyou) bit.ly/2RdZbpK
4. Egypt (Tutankhamun-Pharaoh's Curse, Akhenaten-Moses and Monotheism) bit.ly/2DGV0KQ
5. Greece (Thebes, Alexander, Prehistoric Computer) bit.ly/2OId2Tp
6. Persia (Zoro worship) bit.ly/2DCV3Hw
7. Tibet (Losang Lumba, Gang Rinpoche; Legend of Xiangxiong, Tubo Witch, Tantric Double Cultivation, Reincarnated Soul Boy) bit.ly/2r70USX
8. America (Coral Castle, Tiwanaku, Hopi) bit.ly/2DAWCGd
9. Europe (UFO wreckage 250,000 years ago & ancient map of Antarctica) bit.ly/2P4vl4d
10. South Pole (antenna on the 4000-meter seabed & ancient map of South Pole) bit.ly/2OKaSCN
11. Africa (Sirius Trilogy & Circle of Death) bit.ly/2P1PaZW
→→ "Looking Up at the Starry Sky Series": bit.ly/2LcNvzy
**Here, let's talk about those planets and legends.
1. Sirius Trilogy (Sirius Murloc has already visited Earth)
2. What is the sun (wormhole on the sun & human landing on the sun);
3. The earth is a living body (death circle & evolution hypothesis);
→→"Human Series": bit.ly/2X9jBAd
**Here, let’s talk about human origin and evolution.
1, nose; 2, nose hair; 3, evolution; 4, eyes; 5, beard————————————————
→→"Archaeological Legend": bit.ly/2Wfs2xq
**Here, let's share legends and unsolved mysteries related to archaeology!
1. Fu Hao; 2. Yin Shang Aryan; 3. Nine Demon Tower; 4. Yellow Emperor————————————————
→→"Wonderful Thoughts": bit.ly/2W2r7LK
**Here, share some anecdotal stories and my whimsical ideas————————————————
→→"Surname Story" (updated): bit.ly/2I9PPou
**Let’s talk about the history and legends behind each of our last names!
→→"Historical Biography": bit.ly/30OF8k1
*Talk about historical figures, historical events, and share the history in my heart*** Zheng Chenggong (unfinished)
****Navigation Biography (end)
****Wang Zhichuan (end)

All Comments (21)
  • @user-bh4xx8xx1g
    物理學家愛因斯坦去世後,科學家發現他的大腦比男性的平均水平還「小」,但局部前額葉、體感運動、頂葉和枕葉等皮質比同齡男性稍大。腦容量的大小與智商高低並沒有太大的關聯,真正的關鍵在於大腦皮質的結構與連結。by 今周刊
  • @lao_rou
  • @paulyeh623
  • @peggy7844
    『他們當中的弱智,可都是愛因斯坦』😂😂😂 那我們都是重度智障了 原來地球是大型特教中心 關起來不放出去,以免丟人😂😂😂
  • @user-xx4kq6et8b
  • 我超级喜欢这集!来来回回看了好几遍,还推荐给了周围的朋友
  • @user-ej7rp9ww6z
    難怪我看到上猿亞衣會感到這麼親切。。。 哦抱歉是上原
  • @caasinotwen231
    大家在留言區看到有連結後跟著隨機英文字的千萬不要點進去,那是一個叫Ales TVG的用來騙點閱率的,請大家幫忙頂這條留言上去感謝
  • @user-ew8eg9rj6q
  • @alicebalan
  • @user-jb3dw4tn1g
  • @jssw3404
  • @enaaron4632
  • @tommy524tommy
    這期很不錯阿 值得讚美 我就喜歡看這個 最後那個集潛有意思 太妙了 不過那個三指好像是假的
  • @cccy1230
    你的解說讓我聽得更了解~ Many thanks!!
  • @amyboy11071
    考古學真的是很有趣😂,以前我高中的歷史老師跟我們說過一段話,考古可能會因為只參考單一區域關係出現結論錯誤,結果舉例給我們,如果我們滅絕了被後來的新物種考古,然後我剛好當時讀的是男校,一群智障學生都犯賤,喜歡拆蹲式馬桶的廁所門,一大間廁所全部沒門,幹!真的不知道怎麼上大號-_-如果這時新物種考古挖到我們學校的遺址就會有可能錯誤推論出古代人普遍沒有羞恥心的概念...如廁都不使用門來遮羞!當時我們全部笑傻了...博君一笑 我沒有什麼考古專業的知識只是剛好想到 XDD
  • @road8404
    其實...澎湖到台灣的海底有一座海底城遺址 英國著名古文明學者漢卡克的說法,並推斷虎井古沉城可能來自冰河時期,海水下降、海棚露出的時代,虎井沉城是在早於人類歷史的冰河時期所建,年代可能上溯至一萬二千至一萬八千年前,可謂考古學上重大發現,不僅改寫台灣史前歷史,更是世界重要史前文明考古的珍貴資產。 這也複合台灣原住民稱的歷史8000年複合