Baldur's Gate 3: Dragonborn Unique Interaction with Ansur

Published 2023-08-27
Ansur calls the Emperor a coward (faessi) and if you're a dragonborn you're able to assume it was directed at you and challenge his statement. Ansur then calls you a child (vrak).
A small interaction, but the fact there are interactions like this where dragonborn are able to understand draconic just make the game better.
This is also one of the best cutscenes in the game imo.

All Comments (21)
  • @estaveler3288
    i always loved the detail that his scales are green because he's a dead bronze dragon and when bronze oxidizes it turns green
  • @TheBirdsDen
    killing your own dragon boyfriend just because you wanna be a squid....the worst kind of person.
  • @Beyoncela33
    "friend, yes - and more. until you killed me" UGH THE DRAMA
  • @gferrol118
    I wish there was a way to befriend Ansur. Imagine how awesome it would be having a zombie dragon help in the final battle
  • @NataliaNeeSama
    Ansur: "Why did you come?" Dragonborn: SENPAI NOTICED ME! Ansur: "I wasn't talking to you" Dragonborn: Senpai didn't notice me....
  • @ancard3118
    They were just friends! "your presence has stirred me, as it ever did" "friend, yes - and more"
  • @krpi7685
    A bronze dragon will help us save the city! ...hours later the city is filled with red dragons fighting the illithid. Don't think a bronze dragon would've done much.
  • @skyz6708
    When the Duke told me of a Bronze Dragon who will come to save the city in it's greatest need i was so fucking excited to meet this dragon, there had been no Dragons until this point. My disappointment was immeasurable when i seen him lying there dead.
  • @odd-eyes6363
    I like how in this interaction you can see Ansur making sure to point out that it isn't you he means to offend, just Balduran
  • @draquablu2030
    Man i wish there were more dragons to interact with, and that they don't always have to end in battle. I only know of Ansur, which is an inevitable fight, and Qudenos in dragonborn form but that doesn't count
  • @13FridayKnight
    I played through the game as a Bronze dragonborn, so upon finding out there was a Bronze Dragon under Wyrm's rock I was so excited!! And then...
  • I feel like if you're playing a Dark urge playthrough and resist/have resisted Bhaal there should be an option to just go "FUCK YOU NOT AGAIN."
  • @MooseMuncherss
    An instrumental version of "Song of Balduran" playing right before the Emperor is revealed is such a good touch
  • I love how as a bronze dragon his corpse is covered with patinated green bronze
  • @Sepaedius
    Friend...and more. Becoming Illithid means the removal of all sentiment, all love, all humanity and every bit of emotion we cherish as people. It is the real, true death of their soul through cerromorphosis, and so Ansur, seeing the fate of his beloved Balduran meant losing his soul for all time, losing everything about the man he loved, grew to love, and cherished, did the only you can do for the person you love if their immortal soul is in danger of being lost...he tried to save him. He died, failing at it. Ansur's grief and shame are what keep him bound to his bones, not his duty. I can't imagine the pain of seeing the Emperor again. It must have hurt as much as dying to him the first time, or worse, knowing the illithid abomination still lived, and being forced to confront the pain of that certainty. This is such an amazingly powerful scene emotionally.
  • To me this was the last straw in trusting the emperor. Constantly the emperor stands to say that they can be trusted and even when catching it in a lie states that lies would be told no longer but ansur was the prime example of continued betrayal of lies and deceit so when it was time to free Orin I had no choice bc why would I trust someone who genuinely may have kept me alive but continued to lie about the reasons and lie about lying again
  • @Isru709
    This is like the most "Wait what? WAIT WHAT? WAIT WHAT?????????" Moment in the game like i was thinking i was gonna get a cool dragon to help me but i only got a helm and drama about the one who built the gate aka Squidward
  • @ArtemisDalmasca
    I'm a huge fan of dragons... always have been since I was a kid. I lived for the beginning parts with the red dragons (evil or not, they're beautiful) and was excited to meet a good aligned dragon at last. For the first time in the whole game, I broke out into genuine tears at Ansur's fate and what had happened to him. I played as a Bard and ended up playing the Divinty & Sin song between turns, since it seems the only song to truly fit how sad the whole thing felt to me.