蔡一傑唯一單身承認有孤獨感|大爆梅艷芳失威一面|草蜢面對許志安難題 最平、最貴Show錢係⋯?|Big 4大四喜 張衛健 蘇永康 許志安 梁漢文 CC中文字幕

Published 2023-04-04
蔡一傑唯一單身承認有孤獨感|大爆梅艷芳失威一面|草蜢面對許志安難題 最平、最貴Show錢係⋯?|Big 4大四喜 張衛健 蘇永康 許志安 梁漢文 CC中文字幕

草蜢.Part IV
Big4 四子連與草蜢三傑大談兄弟情、婚姻、家庭等感性話題。

身處豪宅之中,草蜢三兄弟卻對dream house有完全不同的標準及取向:蘇志威追求豪華,相反蔡一傑崇尚簡樸自然,只希望擁有一間可望見日落的小木屋;蔡一智則認為dream house定義不在於住所本身,他但求有愛侶在家中相伴。

草蜢三兄弟與Big4 四子一同成長,阿傑分享一次他與許志安假扮爭執的經歷,事件卻令大家了解蘇老闆對兄弟的情深義重。相反Big4 四子經常為雞毛蒜皮小事而內訌,張衛健更公開當年的「1357事件」 —話說他與安仔竟因為來電顯示號碼的問題而口角衝突半小時;另外兩人亦曾因為一次高卡車比賽而動真火!可見兩班兄弟雖然同樣有情有義,但相處的方式卻截然不同。



#張衛健 #草蜢 #蔡一傑 #蔡一智 #蘇志威 #蘇永康 #許志安 #梁漢文 #BigFour #TVB #娛樂新聞 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家

All Comments (12)
  • 只要明白一個人來到此世,一個人離開此世,就無問題。
  • @raylui6998
    老鼠安應該係偷食 係人生必經嘅階段下話😂😂😂
  • 決定,決心單身過日子就不能有想回頭的思念,否則孤獨孤單感會压死自己。甚或有想自殺了結一生念頭浮現出來。
  • @hellovagim
    Charm, On-se, should've gone with his "mistake"
  • @wip1664
    Remus is not lonely. It is just a passing mood. The family looks as though the sun 🌞 is shing over them, while you yourself seem to have this cloudiness ☁️ over you. The sun is smiling, and casting shadows of many things such as trees and buildings, making the surrounding look more interesting, more lively. The cloud looks comfortable, but may appear gloomy and lonely as no shadows are cast on a cloudy day. But you are all under the same sky...may it be 🌞 or ☁️ on that day where the family and the oneself stand under - the sky. With a woman or child, the man must become or act a "gentleman". And protective of a seemingly different species. It is not more progressive, or more mature, but less a "kid". Can you be a gentleman without the woman or child? Experience/interests and awareness of life itself can make maturity, and progressivity. Gentle. Protective of many things.
  • @mingmarco