溫兆倫以為係大明星太囂張 杜平憶述與肥姐沈澱霞離別前 (星級會客室 杜平訪問 #中文字幕)

Published 2020-04-03

All Comments (21)
  • @jamholland8727
  • @lotuskwok3386
  • @leyopari3374
    七十多歲, Keep 到噉, 真係好叻。但人人都只注意佢個樣, 其實佢點只個樣, 就連把聲都仲係好好聽!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  • @winglow7615
    I was impressed by how young this guy looked at 78. So I went on to watched the interviews. I came away with my impression of Hong Kong people changed. Being an overseas Chinese, I never had a good impression of people from Hong Kong. These interviews really opened my eyes. There are people from Hong Kong worthy of respect from me.
  • @fanfan2488
    以前藝人真的有情有義 真的待人 不是利益行先 ㊗️願杜先生身體健康
  • @maychan5562
  • @pot7910
    杜扁 講得好有道理 保養得好👍真係 犀利平👍
  • @kacheungho664
    本人都六十歲啦,十歲八歲己經睇杜平做戲做節目,現在見平叔個樣仲好醒目,一些老態都無,好嘢, 祝佢在澳洲生活愉快,一家健康
  • Judging by his coherent interview especially the way he expresses his thoughts how he treats his family, my respect and hat off to Tao Ping. I watched his programs on TVB when I was a kid but never thought he is such a respectful individual. Welldone and enjoy life.
  • @almo8989
    Holy didn't realize this guy is still alive and he looks great. I remember him from the old TVB shows.
  • @alicesiu9447
  • @hmc4940
    啫係要個老婆忍讓你,咋唔知 😆 你去玩,佢要隻眼開隻眼閉 就可以有50年既婚姻啦!