One Thing You Can Start Doing Right Now To Save Your Relationship

Published 2024-07-18
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We have so many couples coming to us right now. We see it all the time - the pandemic has had a huge impact on relationships. What we’re seeing is, people are really “getting it” that life is so short, it’s too short to be living a life that’s not making you happy and it’s certainly too short to be in a relationship that’s not nurturing you.

Couples are coming to us as a last ditch effort and I have to say, we are having astounding results! I love it so much when we help people really figure out:

* The problems we “thought” we were having, are not the problems we’re really having.
* I thought the problems we were “really” having were her fault (or his fault, depending upon who the speaker is). Now, I see the problems are the result of our past and our unhealed wounds.
* When we heal our past and our unhealed wounds, we come back into love and I love her (him) even more than I thought!

And of course, you don’t know how to heal your past or your unhealed wounds, you might not even know what they are!

If you’re having trouble in your relationship, I really want to encourage you to look into doing a Couples Soul Adventure, either here in Sedona or At Home. It can change everything. For right now, I want to gift you with this video about ONE Thing You Can Start Doing Right Now To Save Your Relationship. It’s very simple. It’s not easy for everyone, but it is very simple. I hope this video helps.

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Sedona Soul Adventures was founded in 2002 to help bring people back into connection with God-Source-Spirit-Oneness and ultimately with themselves, so they can connect with and bring forth the person they came to the planet to be.

Through the combination of the incredible transformational energies of Sedona, the incredible expertise of the amazing practitioners who are drawn to come here to do their work and the Proven Process we have developed to customize your retreat for your needs and desires, Sedona Soul Adventures helps you rediscover and re-experience your spiritual connection and essential spiritual nature. In the process, you’ll gain clarity about your soul’s purpose, recapture a sense of direction, and experience a renewed confidence in your ability to consciously create the life of your dreams.

In January, 1999, Debra was a divorce attorney in Omaha, Nebraska, beginning her 20th year of practice. With 175 active cases, she was stressed out, burned out and ready to jump off the nearest cliff. Having been on her spiritual path since the death of her mother in 1978, Debra knew there was more...she yearned to be of service on a much deeper level. Debra came to Sedona and had a life-changing session with one of Sedona’s amazing healers. In that session she received the message, “You must leave your law practice now.” So she closed her practice and spent the next 3 years visiting Sedona for weeks at a time, having transformational sessions with incredible practitioners. Then, in August, 2001, she was told in a session “it’s time for you to move to Sedona.”

Within 2 months Debra moved to Sedona. Six months later she was still waiting for the flash to come in on what she was supposed to be doing there. As Debra says “Suddenly I realized that having attended every Workshop and seminar that was out there, I had never had a completely transformational experience in a group setting. The most powerful work that had the most impact and truly changed my life was the one-on-one sessions I did with the amazing practitioners in Sedona. I understood then that those three years I had been coming to Sedona and doing sessions with so many incredible healers were preparation, laying the groundwork for the creation of Sedona Soul Adventures. So that people from around the world could come into this amazing, mystical place and have the same kind of life-changing, transformational experience I had.”

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