KPop Fans Scare Me

Published 2019-06-28
This is the greatest fandom of All Time

All Comments (21)
  • @JustinY.
    The worst of Kpop fans make weeaboos seem like normal human beings
  • @joshosborne683
    Charlie is starting to look like someone tried to draw Keanu Reeves from memory
  • @WanderingMind_
    K-Pop Stans mindset basically: "If you're not with us, you're against us."
  • @hakunadamatta
    Charlie doesn’t fear any man, but that thing... it scares him
  • 200IQ Charlie intentionally planned months ahead to grow out his hair just to make this video. When the angry Kpop fans come to burn down his house tonight he'll blend right in with the homeless and remain safe.
  • I once told my kpop obsessed friends that I didn’t like bts, and they started telling me about how they are worldwide superstars who are so much better than me, and that I’m just a small girl who will never achieve anything in my life. I was really insecure at the time and it made me feel like a worthless piece of shit, and it left me crying for a really long time. Fast forward to now and I have left those “friends”, and tbh I feel so much better than when I was with them
  • @erebys21
    Oh, you're an Army fan? Name every gun used in the US Army during the Vietnam war.
  • @R_athanak
    Even the kpop fan base knows the fan base is full of toxicity. Legit no one can deny that at all.
  • @anticringe7963
    Imagine obsessing over a dude that doesn’t even know you exist, and probably will never realize that you exist.
  • @bigmoist9440
    A minute of silence for all those innocent parents who spend their hard earned money and think their child is studying in the room all day while they don't know their child is spending all day fighting for k-pop on Twitter and aimlessly streaming their songs.
  • @gnocchi900
    the scariest kpop fans are the ones who aren't Korean and dress themselves to be Korean. they even change their eye shapes, skin tones, voices, and mannerisms in order to do so.
  • @taylre4202
    I once saw someone post a tweet saying they were gonna commit suicide and a kpop fan replied with a video of a girl from loona dancing with the caption "why commit suicide when you can stan loona" and I was appalled
  • @tomestonehouse
    There was a gal in one of my classes in college who was a Kpop stan. But for the most part, she seemed okay about it. She had a friend who also was a kpop fan, and they would talk about it most of the time. One day I was pared with these two, we did our work, everything seemed fine. They'd make occasional references I didn't really understand but we still did a good job on the work. We got done with the group work, so we just chatted. They CONTINUED to talk about only kpop, to which i would just politely smile and nod. Eventually they turned to me and asked me what my favorite BTS song was... I was honest and said, "oh im not really a fan of BTS or Kpop. its just not my cup of tea. I prefer rock and metal personally." I shit you not the bigger Kpop fan started screaming at me and tried to convince the professor to kick me out of the class because i "harassed and threatened her". that was... wild
  • @dishwasher9
    I feel bad for the actual kpop groups who only wanted to make their own songs but ended up getting hate just because of their diehard fans
  • @mystik9463
    Charlie looks like he’s wearing the wrong LEGO hairpiece.
  • As someone who listens to kpop i got roasted the shit out of by hardcore stans for not knowing the debut date of a certain group 😭
  • I'm so annoyed of kpop that I have to search for this kind of videos.