WTF Happened to Jack Nicholson?

In our latest WTF series, we take a look at some of our favorite stars and filmmakers who have seemingly disappeared or altered their careers over the years to the point that begs the question; WTF happened? Now, before you think we're just picking on celebrities or running some gossip rag stuff, think again! We take a fun (and sometimes funny), researched and fair approach, looking at all angles that led our subject to wherever they are now (which isn't necessarily a bad place at all). If anything, it answers the question on where these fine folks went, how they got there and where you can find 'em now.

This time out we explore the career of the legendary Jack Nicholson, who has graced us with a plethora of scene-stealing performances in some truly great and iconic films that have helped define cinema today. From THE SHINING to ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST to CHINATOWN to BATMAN to TERMS OF ENDEARMENT to THE WITCHES OF EASTWICK to A FEW GOOD MEN to AS GOOD AS IT GETS to ABOUT SCHMIDT to THE DEPARTED and beyond, Jack Nicholason has been a powerhouse for the ages, sprinkling his devilish charm all throughout Hollywood since he emerged on the scene. Nicholson has since disappeared from Hollywood, with his last role being in the James L. Brooks dud HOW DO YOU KNOW, which was ten years ago. Where did Jack go? What's he been up to? Will we ever see him on the big screen again or has he officially retired and left us with his film legacy to chew on? All this and more in the latest WTF Happened to...

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#JackNicholson #WTFHappenedTo

コメント (21)
  • @SunBrohan
    I feel Jack Nicholson could totally pull off a father figure to Leonardo DiCaprio in any movie
  • He’s crossed 80, has won multiple Oscars and had a glorious career. Leave him the fk alone
  • “I warned him.” Jack Nicholson once told a story about him doing some pills on the set of Batman 89 and he passed out as once he came to, he was in his car on the edge of a cliff. Perhaps he was telling Heath that it’s a dangerous role that can consume you if you’re not careful.
  • "Wtf happened to Jack Nicholson?" "Jack was born in 1937." There's your fucking answer.
  • Jack and Heath had discussed Ambien, a sleeping aid Heath was taking at the time. Jack had warned him about the dangers of that drug, relating how, when he was taking Ambien, in his sleep, he had gotten in his car, drove around, and woke up in someone else's driveway. Considering where Jack lives, up in the Hollywood hills off Mulhulland Drive, a road that's a bit scary in the daytime when you're wide awake, the concept of driving that in your sleep should scare the crap out of any halfway sane individual.
  • Reality: Jack doesn't wanna play anymore roles cause he wants other actors to get a shot at the oscars, he is being generous to the kids. The guy has most oscar nominations in the history. Legend.
  • @csgolf24
    As much as I would love to see Jack just one more time, in one more iconic role, in one more great film I’m happy for him that he’s enjoying his retirement. After all the classics he gave us he deserves it. He’s 83 now and has earned this time to do whatever he wants.
  • He retired,after decades of kickass movies, getting a shitload of awards and beeing widely acknowledged as one of the top-tier actors out there. Now,he´s spending his days,watching his beloved LA Lakers,chilling on his yacht and getting laid by chicks who are old enough to be his grand daughters. I wouldn´t be surprised if he got lucky with JLAW at the Oscar party,tbh. P.S. About the whole Joker thing: there´s an interview where Nicholson said that he absolutely loved the performance of Heath Ledger,(he praised the movie in general).he called him a "very talented young actor" and that he was really upset when he heard of his death,because he also had bad experience with prescription drugs.
  • Jack Nicholson is my favorite actor and I can't believe there's so many of his movies I haven't seen yet.
  • "warned him" obviously jack did a lot of drugs at one point duh
  • This is how it went: "What happened to him?" "He died of overdose." "That's awful...I warned them." "I warned them" reffering to the sleeping pills that Heath took since Nicholson himself had also taken the same pills before and passed out waking up on a random driveway. He never knew Heath but he knew what the pills were capable of.
  • As far as I'm concerned his last movie was The Departed
  • On a ski lift in Aspen back in the 80's he told me, in that legendary voice, they dont pay me to act, they just pay me to be Jack Nicholson! Classic Jack!