Kate Wardin: Transitioning from Individual Contributor to Manager (Agile Insights Conversations)

Kate Wardin, Engineering Manager, Studio UI Developer Productivity at Netflix was interviewed by Sohrab Salimi on May 4th, 2022. Kate is the Founder of Developer First and was a Senior Engineering Manager at Target for over nine years, before she started her role at Netflix.

Kate and Sohrab talked about the transition from Individual Contributor to Manager/Leader, and Inclusive leadership for all processes - hiring, recruiting, onboarding, leading remote teams as well as diverse communication styles.

If you are interested in learning more about the development process at Netflix or how to change your role in a company, check out our interview with Kate.

Upcoming Agile Insights Conversations will be published at our Meetup Group: www.meetup.com/de-DE/agile-insights/

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