the secret life of walter mitty changed my life

#videoessay #thesecretlifeofwaltermitty
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there are so many influential pieces of media in our lives, and many of our artistic inspirations are overlooked and underrated. for me, that is the secret life of walter mitty. ben stiller directs a message of life (aside an amazing score by jose gonzalez), surrounded by humor, love, and imagination. i felt driven to make this video to represent the magic of this movie on screen. i hope i got that across. thanks for watching.

btw i made this 360p on purpose ;P

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follow me on instagram @toilet_break
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music // tre (koe no katachi ost) - kensuke ushio / sweetberrywine - ben wos ( ) / afterthought - fugazi / plank - sqwidwierd ( ) / satan's tape - happy trendy /

コメント (21)
  • @HomieGCammyB
    I saw this in theaters with my two best friends. We were teenagers and wanted a dumb movie to watch and be little delinquents. We liked to pick movies that had been out for a while so we'd have the whole theater to ourselves and Walter Mitty was the only one that night. We were loud and rowdy through the commercials and the previews. But then the movie started and we didn't make a sound until it was over. We still look back on that day and how weird it was that such a random movie could capture our attention like that. To echo the video, I can't tell you what I felt that day, all I remember is that I really felt.
  • I can't believe this movie only has 52% on rotten tomatoes.
  • @Q-Vu
    A severely underrated movie I walked in the theater thinking it was just a movie, but came out with an experience. My favorite movie of all time
  • Its also important to note that Sean Penn's character. Always acknowledged Walter. The phrase "beautiful things don't ask for attention" applies directly to Walter. Despite Walter feeling depressed about his life. Sean admired him.
  • This movie changed my life too. A man that thought he was boring and irrelevant until he is forced to realize how amazing he truly is. Walter Mitty is all of us.
  • This movie is the single reason I was convinced to learn how to longboard, that scene of him skating the road into town was so formative for me. Really glad you did a review on it!
  • I watched this movie with my 14 year old son when it first came out. We both loved it, but he was inspired by it to be who he wanted to be. To be an artist, to climb, to bushwalk, to dive on wrecks, to skydive and to live a life of experiences. He brought kindness and wholesomeness to those he met and would find out about other people's experiences at every opportunity. He used the soundtrack of Mitty in his own movies. When he died a few years ago it meant he had lived more life and more adventure than many many other people combined. And he loved every moment because of the spark that this movie ignited.
  • @blogit24
    This movie convinced me to turn down a full-year internship in favor for a study abroad. By far the greatest decision of my life and I even got to stop in Iceland to visit some filming sites!
  • I watch this movie at least once a month. It's so tranquil in the beginning, so it kills me to sleep if I can't. Plus, the soundtrack is amazing.
  • @gluonjck63
    Sanchito- this could be a pHD in film. You nailed it. I am 60 now but felt the same as you at 50. Major Tom with Kristin and Sean Penn saying “sometimes I keep it just for me” are sublime. But like you I was changed. My life took hard corners about 4 years ago - So I became Walter Mitty. 150k mile around the entire US including Canada and Hawaii and Alaska, Mexico, and The UK and all of Scotland. I simply dreamed and went. I am now happy just like Walter.
  • I walked out of the theater transported by this movie. I've been to Iceland three times since seeing it, in 2021 I even photographed a volcano in Iceland (but I wasn't standing atop a biplane). I've watched it over and over. I love the message of the movie: if you have the courage to go out into the world, the world will be waiting to welcome you.
  • you're so right! you're a different person practically every day of your life, but somehow those persons you used to be always stay with you. maybe it's things like movies and books sticking with you that keep you connected to your past selves, and maybe that's why it's important to revisit them from time to time. not only to keep in touch with your past, but in an attempt to make some direct growth from that past. revisiting something old that you're emotionally attached to is always scary, but if you can approach it properly, i believe you can grow from it
  • I'm 40 years old and currently living in the bombed-out ruins of my former life. My ex is gone, my new girlfriend decided to follow suit, and my house and kid might get taken away from me. You never stop starting over.
  • @JaneNewAuthor
    I was 61 in 2014. I saw this movie (I also saw the original with Danny Kaye in) and was blown away. One of my favourite films ever. I had to have some surgery done. I woke up in post op and realised I'd done nothing with my life, so I raked up every cent I could and travelled for the whole of 2015. I'm not wealthy, I found cheap ways to get places, used local transport, discovered ways to make a few $s on the net. Best thing I've ever done, will never regret it. Thank you, Ben Stiller.
  • @feitanthegoat
    I watched it yesterday and it was one of the best movies I've watched this year, i can't believe it came out 10 years ago and I only found it yesterday. It sends a beautiful message and a cinematic masterpiece imo.
  • Honestly the most surprising part of this for me was learning that people don’t like this movie. It’s so good and wholesome and artistic and beautiful!
  • After re-watching I think this is my favourite movie, all the scenes just feel great.
  • @Keys879
    Yeah man, welcome to the brotherhood. This movie has changed many lives. Many people i've met who recall it state the same. It truly is a spiritual piece of artwork. Just incredible. Purely one of my favorites. As a kid, the movie speaks to your sense of wonder, desire to explore, and creativity. It fills you with feel good wonder. As an adult, it speaks to the soul who desires freedom, meaning, and inspiration.
  • @gregandy4277
    This movie was completed different than the book or original movie. However saying that, it is perhaps the most spiritually uplifting and fulfilling movie about self development and meaning. It has something most movies do not, a soul, and a real, universal message.
  • this has been my favorite movie for years, i remember seeing it on tv and then buying a copy and watching it at least once a week for years. such a comforting movie <3