Published 2023-09-26
I quit my 28 day challenge and here's why. I won't be quitting again at my next endeavors. I had a meltdown but I'm shaking it off and moving on because I have to. My journey is just getting started let's go have some fun. #father #legacy #diet #health #live #love #death #win

All Comments (3)
  • Jon its ok that you caved youre going through a hard time and those time capsules we get through food, music, smells etc can be the best little trips sometimes.. Its also ok to get emotional and have a breakdown losing ppl we love is rough, it fn sucks and it hurts deeply. Oct is when I lost my Dad I miss him and my Mom so much I still get those waves of emotion and tears out of nowhere that make me feel like a little kid just wanting them back. Let it out when you need to and youre not a little bitch youre one the strongest, funniest and realist people I know. Thats how we became friends through sharing our suicide survival experiences and if you hadnt been vulnerable, genuine and authentic enough to show the good the bad and everything in between I wouldve never known just how great and real of a person that you are. Youre one of our bestest friends dont ever change the good stuff about you, as far as the body glow up you're doing pretty damn good thats not an easy experience either especially while grieving you got this! 🎉 We love you too stay golden ❤ much love and more hugs ❤❤❤❤❤