《最强大脑》第一季 第4集 The Brain China S01E04

Published 2017-06-22
The Brain is a talent show that celebrates gifted minds and incredible skills of extraordinary men, women, and children. Each episode, seven contestants must perform mental and physical challenges that are impossible for the everyday person; like memorizing the names and birthdays of over 900 infants or solving a series of Rubik's Cube completely blindfolded in under five minutes.

Candidates who successfully complete their personal challenge progress to the final round and qualify for the winning vote at the end of the show. The TV audience ultimately decides who the most skillful person in the country is. The winner takes home the title and prize money.

All Comments (9)
  • @lw492
  • @liawu4789
  • 梁冬打一分證明他自己很無知且輕狂,後面的話更是讓人覺得他有多厚顏無恥,幸好有毛澤東的語錄:群眾的心是雪亮的⋯⋯
  • @gracemp5154
  • @xx-uu1qb
  • @cuitingtang8336