Can Ashes of Creation KILL WoW?

A tale as old as time. A new MMORPG is on the horizon so a naturally we must discuss if its going to take out the giant that is World of Warcraft for good. This time the contender is none other than Intrepid Studio's Ashes of Creation! Keep in mind I am fully aware there is a large group of people that very much enjoy most if not all what Intrepid is doing, and I am with them. This video highlights some important systems within Ashes of Creation and how they may or may not appeal to WoW players.

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コメント (21)
  • @Roarrior
    World of warcraft is alive and kicking despite its best effort to fall over. Do you think the WoW enjoyer will take to Ashes of Creations more hardcoreish features and systems?
  • @VlhadusGaming
    FINALLY! Welcome back Roar! Great video and man... I might do a video to follow up this one. So much to say about this topic especially coming from WoW myself. Loved what you said at the end about many MMO gamers trying out AoC but whether they stick around is still a mystery. Now... go make more videos please.
  • @JohnAPrescott
    Nope, Steven has ev3n said so. Hes not making this game for the masses. Riots game will tackle that hill. The Ashes crew want a challenge, no p2w, no dumbed down meaningless crap that wow has become, and a company that listens to its player base, it may not make steven and the gang make 'your' changes, but they will listen and take notes. I just want a good game where i can play with my friends and get lost in the world. This will be my last mmo, so if it fails it fails.
  • always nice to see these videos, good content, enjoyable watch keep it up!
  • @MrStocktopus
    Very good video my friend, felt very professional - I thoroughly enjoyed watching!
  • @Retalin_
    "Can Santa Claus beat up Tom Brady??". Idk, one doesn't exist and the other isn't as good as they used to be, so hard to say
  • @Extermicide
    In my opinion brother, this video is some of your best work to date. Well Done!
  • @KatoNamus
    Couple of good observations, you just left out the corruption system when you spoke about the PvP. Also, Steven Shariff himself stated that AoC "won't be for everyone, and that is fine"
  • @NuclearTango
    He has Returned! Lets gooo! Great video. Ashes and WoW are going to be very different for sure. I not a fan of XP debt but only had the A1 to experience it. Maybe it will not be as bad as I think.
  • @dogtags2010
    Oh man, didn't realise ashes was shared open dungeons etc and totally didn't realise they had no pve servers. I was about to buy the preorder thingy too. Thank you for the heads up. Saved me getting too hyped.
  • @chaoko954
    As an AVID AOC fanboy, I feel like you make some great points! AOC is gonna be much different then all MMO's of today. A lot of these points you made revolve around quality of life and making sure time spent in the game is optimized like with raid times and the general "Waiting" around. I am hopeful that these perceived issues will be addressed since we're only in pre alpha currently. We'll see! Great vid though.
  • @bowlong2
    Thanks for this interesting video. The graphics are also very differents. WoW has its own slightly cartoony style, whereas AOF is based on Unreal5 and looks (especially for its environment) a lot like other MMOs on the same graphics engine. Furthermore, are players who have spent almost 10 years building up their character ready to relaunch another journey ? So I agree with you....
  • @hasumoto1707
    a lot of what you said can be seen in classic WOW (era, Hardcore SoD, Wrath...) too: long leveling, PvP servers... ;) And those servers are filled with people! Ashes of Creation will not be everybody's cup. I fully agree to you. Probably the average PvE WOW player will not like AoC. But that's ok. I think it will be a game for people who like PvX content and were willing to look out of the WOW box. People who played Aion, people who loved and enjoyed Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning (Siege fights! Guard system!), people who likes Lineage 2 and Archeage 1, people who loved the PvP content in ESO, people who liked GW1 for it's classes or GW2 for it's sieges... I am hyped! I played a lot of PvP MMO games in the last 20 years. I talked about this with a lot of guys: The most people who don't like Ashes are the people who almost only play PVE WOW and almost never ever touched any other RPG or MMO. On the other hand when I talk to people who played other (more PVP) MMOs, they wanna see this on a successful side. So back to the question: is Ashes killing WOW? Proably not. But I can see a future where PvP and PvX players enjoy AoC, while (mostly PvE) players still playing WOW. And that's totally fine. Play the stuff you enjoy. PS: this is not meant to be mean by any way. and it's a lot of personal experience here.
  • Great video - I am probably one of the few that don't like the realism graphics in AoC, and the "spells are to flashy, remind me to much of how eastern mmorpgs look like. I am one of those that like where Pantheon rise of the fallen is heading with graphics and gameplay, and i even like the look of Monsters & Memories. I like the graphics in WoW but they have made the game waaay to casual, and there is no more rocks to turn over in classic, seen that done that. I'm probably about to pay me into prealpha in Pantheon rise of the fallen after i have seen some more progression.
  • Wow is not going to die because of any 1 game. People have an emotional connection to wow so they tend to circle back each expansion just to see what is up. They may only stay for 4-6 months but that is really the only things needed to keep it alive.... from a servers not being taken down point of view. Our Guild has just over 100 players. Most of those players are in discord and they are playing a big variety of games. They always circle back to wow, raid log, or hop on for the weekend to get something done. However truth be told, there are so many games available now to be a 1 game andy. They will likely play Ashes, still jump into wow as they always have, and will continue to play other mmo's on the side. Ashes won't kill any game... it will give another option for players to add to their gaming library to pass the time.
  • @IntoTheDark.
    I haven't heard anything so far that would kill my desire to play this game :D