Hitchhiking Across Europes Most Feared Country (Day 6) 🇷🇴

Published 2024-07-15
Day 6 in Romania and well this is one of my most memorable days of my life. Many times when you ask people, " what do you think about Romania". You will get the same answer, and it is not a good one. People think that Romania is a place of danger, violence, pickpockets, but I want you to compare that to what you see in this video. Romania in my opinion is one of the safest countries in Europe, and I think this video does a great job about showing that.

I hope you enjoy

Thank You
Alexandra Popescu
Darius Micluta
Charlie Hexamer
Paul Clark
Deirdre Marsack
Kathy Sulivan
Annie Campbell
John Myers
Candy Beylerian
Nori Ebine
Melisa Martikkala

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All Comments (21)
  • The Uber driver was full of sh.t! The salaries in comunist era were between 2000 and 3000 and you couldnt find almost nothing! It was the worst time a country could have!
  • @druidZZZe
    the taxi driver talked obvisouly on his circumstances , now is better and you can see it that is not different from west world . Romanians live better and have money to invest and to spend all across europe .
  • @Crowe_77
    Really, Switzerland it's more beautiful? If u want to go to a beach, where do u go in Switzerland, what sea, what ocean? If u wanna go fishing in Switzerland, what Delta do u choose? Switzerland is one big mountain. Here u can find mountains, hills, plains, sea, Danube Delta, everything...
  • Hello! That thing you saw on the stairs of the church was not a knife, it was a fan😊. It might have been left there by some kids who had been playing by the church. And I think that the dead birds you saw on the side of the road, had been hit by cars, unfortunately. Enjoy your time in Romania! Romania is not such a dangerous country, after all. It's no more dangerous than other countries. You just have to be very vigilant for the pick-pockets. Have a nice day! ❤ I like your videos very much!! ❤❤
  • @iulm33
    you should try Via Transilvanica in Romania is a 1,400 kilometer long distance trail, a tourist route that crosses Romania diagonally from Putna to Drobeta Turnu Severin. It's designed for hiking, cycling and horse riding. Via Transilvanica is marked with painted markers, signposts and at every kilometer,
  • Why on Earth would one call Romania `Europe's most feared country'? According to all safety rankings available, Romania is safer than France, United Kingdom and Italy. These click bait titles of yours are just stupid, when they are not plain racist (like the one about `avoiding Gypsies` in a train). What do you suggest? A bit of Jim Crow for Gypsies?
  • in Romania we have a saying: rules are made to be broken. that's why Romania is wonderful 😂
  • 3:20 - the average NET salary in Romania now is exactly 1050 euro or 1100 USD. (Romanian national Institute for statistics - May 2024). And the salaries are growing every year by around 10-15%.
  • @alexpetcu887
    how old was that taxi driver during comunism that he knows how it was? remember that it was before 1989 .. thats 35 years ago .. so he would have been 3-5 years old back then, if he is close to 40, if closer to 30, he might not even been born back then :)
  • @UlmoLOTR
    There is a bus you can take from the city center to reach Cheile Turzii.
  • visit,Sighisoara,alba-iulia,oradea,brasov,iași,delta of danube,sinaia,valea prahovei,valea oltului,transfagarasan,transalpina,bucovina,retezat mountains,maramures,tirgu mures...
  • @MihaiBa
    The driver at the beginning is not entirely right. Now, the purchasing power is bigger than during the socialist era. After the fall of that regime, during the 90s, there were tough times, indeed, when you couldn't buy too many things with your income. But things changed since then. Still, people are stuck with the idea from the 90s that they had more money during socialism. Which is not true. Could be also because you can find anything you want these days and you are tempted to buy them all, while then you could barely find the basic things and you would save money because you had nothing to spend it on.
  • I saw you mentioned that Bucharest is your least favourite city, can you go more in depth on what you disliked about it?
  • @dyawr
    6:00 Oh please, like every trail in the US is perfect (or even Western Europe). That's far from true & I'm pretty sure you can find a broken ledge or rope in America as well. 6:44 I'm pretty sure that's a rope bridge & meant to be mobile like that, lol. And I'm pretty sure you have these in the US and other countries too... These comments are demeaning. You talking about Romania like it's this backward, underdeveloped place – when actually, it's a pretty developed country for Eastern & Southeastern Europe. Sure, we still have a way to go, but we're pretty much in the same league as the more Central European countries, I would think. (from the former Eastern Bloc) So, if you wouldn't talk about Poland, Hungary, the Baltics or other states like this, it's kind of insulting to see a condescending attitude about Ro...