Should Pyrrha Stay Dead? | RWBY Analysis

Publicado 2016-10-05
About the controversy over Pyrrha Nikos' death and how the fandom reacted to it.

For more information about the affects to the fandom, see also: Pyrrha Nikos "The Division"
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Video Transcript…


Intro: (00:00)
Controversy: (2:44)
Part 1 Literal Analysis: (5:00)
Her Decision: (6:40)
Her Character: (28:23)
Oddities of Her Death: (36:57)
Part 2 Arguments: (46:47)
Tension Caused by Fear of Death: (48:06)
Resurrection Is Not Realistic: (53:00)
Death Makes Life Meaningful: (58:12)
Pyrrha Coming Back: (1:07:37)
Conclusion: (1:11:55)

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YEAH RIGHT! - Tspeiro

A. Farmer
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JCThe Dawn
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@1:09:00 -
@1:08:49 -
@21:27 -
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Thank you for making this video. I'm of the belief that Pyrrha will come back. I'd like her to come back as flesh and blood too not just a ghost. It doesn't matter to me if she is dead and will be resurrected or if she was just transported somewhere. So long as she returns.
  • @ForeverFall
    "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality... infinite in virtue and unbound by death". I'm not sure if she should come back fully, but we still need a crystal clear realization by Jaune that she is indeed alive in the afterlife, perhaps by having her speak to him, and realize she is there next to him always, and will see her in death. I would love a final fight, I'm not gonna lie, but I don't think she should be fully resurrected (maybe temporarily for said fight); it'd be kinda weird to have someone amongst the living who has already seen the afterlife. She should definitely have something to do with the final relic, the relic of choice; which is in Beacon. All her vol3 story arc had everything to do with choice. There should be more meaning to her sacrifice in volume 3, something which has to be explored in volume 8
  • Yes she should come back to life and also watch my video its called let arkos continue
  • Miss Kennedy, I have hit upon a thought that his been bothering me for the past week. Pyrrha is a perfect, flawless character for all intents and purposes. She is literally the type of character whose only fault would be loving her friends too much. Typically speaking perfect characters are boring to readers and viewers yet most RWBY fans at the very least found Pyrrha likable if not one of their favorite characters. Why do we like Pyrrha so much and why does her "death" hit so many of us harder than the deaths of other fictional characters?
  • @lthomas195
    Enjoyed your video. I'm going to assume because of editing some scenes were left out. However I can toss an idea that clarifies her motive. She was raised and trained to be a Huntress (to save the world) and she was fine with that until given a chance to save the world on a larger scale. She was conflicted, fought because she was suppose to, tricked to killing penny, fought, asked to choose, chose, had the choice taken away, and when faced with crazy odds, STILL choose to do what she was trained and expected to do......try to save the world. She was raised to be a weapon and in the end, that's all she was.
  • @Mach56gss
    Y'know, it's 5 years late, but.... I just wanted to say I'm thankful for such a great video. I've dwelled on these points and the nature of Pyrrha's death for five years in the fandom, but never really paid my dues to this video. Pretty much - yeah, this video is spot on. A sequel analyzing how badly Pyrrha's death has been translated and justified through the run of RWBY (particularly the Statue Scene in V6) would further critique the writing decisions behind such a dramatic gamble. They had a chance to strike gold with such a dramatic event, but I fear they lacked the gumption to follow through and make something wonderful out of a powerfully tragic moment.
  • @khoseftadros2775
    Soooo it's been a long while since I revisited this video, and I even appreciate it further. Now looking at RWBY recently there are things I realized, especially with Volume 7 and 8, every time a character starts to outshine team RWBY due to having more interesting arcs or story, they get shafted and character assassinated, both figuratively and literally. The best examples would be Ironwood and Pyrrha, where their arcs were actually interesting and actually struggle with decisions of what to do as well as internal conflicts. But before they flesh anything out or give them any catharsis, they shaft their arcs by making them commit actions that are very much out of character before dying, Pyrrha by suddenly going to the tower to seemingly just kill herself and Ironwood by being just a cartoon tyrant in Volume 8 in order to make team RWBY look like they're on the right which they are not. As for Pyrrha returning, at this point, I think it's unlikely to happen, but if it does, my best case scenario where it would make most sense is her technically never dying, the whole Teleportation thing: The reason why they'd teleport her is because Cinder couldn't find the Relic in the vault and since Pyrrha was going to be a Maiden, she takes her to Salem to interrogate her regarding that. once they realize she doesn't actually know, they experiment on her, the Grimm Hound does open our imagination. And we can see where it would go from there, whether they control her, she escaped, Hazel freed her because he's a moral hypocrite, you name it. And go from there. I don't know how she'd react to the events of Atlas though, and I don't think it would be positive either, what team RWBY and JNPR did was very, VERY wrong. They toppled Atlas on Mantle, leaving anyone who wasn't around the portal to die and drown, left all the Atlesian Soldiers who held the line and tried to protect the people and the kingdom to die, and threw the civilians who DID make it to the portal in Vacuo of all places, an area that already suffers from dangerous wild life, scarce resources, and basically not even a functioning kingdom. The main cast doomed a lot of people both who remained in Atlas AND the ones who got teleported to Vacuo. I don't see in any way if Pyrrha is alive and learns of this, she'd be happy with them, even if she cares about them deeply. Though it could lead to an interesting confrontation. But in the end, that's not likely, though it would be interesting to see.
  • @PedRandaPirate
    Definitely worth watching. And I love how for the most part it is unbiased and just throws facts at your face
  • @khoseftadros6947
    I'm going to say something about the list. it's definitely not for the tournament why? cinder and the crew did not know about penny in volume 2. what if Nora gets in the singles? she is a capable fighter. so it's highly doubtful that the list involved the tournament
  • Hey Marisa. Got any particular thoughts on the latest episode of RWBY?
  • Marisa, I was looking at some old comments and I saw how you said you wouldn't be surprised if they announced Pyrrha really was completely dead upon the start of Volume 4. I don't follow the RT forums. Did they announce anything regarding Pyrrha as of the conclusion of Volume 4?
  • @marisakennedy777
    I had to re-upload because of "Meta-data" reasons. They didn't say what exactly was wrong with it, so I stripped it of basically everything but the essentials. If anyone would like a list of my sources, here it is: ———————————————————————— QUOTES FROM COMMENTS/POSTS PROVIDED BY: Rooster Teeth RWBY Forums especially “The Consequences of Pyrrha Nikos’ Death”) RWBY Discord YouTube video comments ————————— FAN ART: @1:09:00 - @1:08:49 - @21:27 - @24:48 & @29:35 & @1:11:45 - @1:11:34 - @35:17 & @1:11:38 & @1:11:42 - @1:08:56 - @59:51 - If you know who are the artists for any uncredited works, please drop a line below. ————————— YOUTUBE VIDEOS: @2:45 A. Farmer RWBY Volume 3 Episode 12 Reaction: HOW DARE YOU @13:20 Aaron Young Hitler Reacts to Pyrrha’s Death - RWBY @39:35 AfterBuzz TV RWBY Season 3 Episodes 11-12 w/ Guests Kerry Shawcross and Miles Luna | AfterBuzz TV @2:45 Asiankido RWBY (End of the Beginning) - Mega Reaction Compilation @1:10:02 JCThe Dawn ARKOSPLZ @1:57 Lindsey Stirling The Arena - Lindsey Stirling @1:09:55 Markiplier @2:45 MurderofBirds RWBY Volume 3 Chapter 12 Reaction - Volume 3 Finale @2:45 niriall RWBY Volume 3 Episode 12 Finale Reaction @2:45 Ordinary Rae RWBY Vol. 3 Episode 12: End of the Beginning Reaction @2:45 TopHatKitty | RWBY | Volume 3: Chapter 12 | Live Action | @56:53 zeldaxlove64 Christina Grimmie In Loving Memory Of Christina Grimmie | March 12th, 1994 to June 10th, 2016 | We All Love You ————————— SONGS: @11:35 American History X - Ill Bill (Instrumental Version) @1:12:45 Chasing The High - Tspeiro @5:10 Hero of Grime - Tspeiro @57:24 Nap Pulls Kip Return - Napoleon Dynamite Soundtrack @24:52 Trisection - FINAL FANTASY Tactics Soundtrack (ファイナルファンタジータクティクス・オリジナル・サウンド・トラック) @0:04 & @11:43 YEAH RIGHT! - Tspeiro ————————— VIDEOS: Alien Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Avatar: The Last Airbender Berserk Braveheart Cirque Du Soleil: World’s Away The Crow Death Note Derren Brown: Russian Roulette Stunt Diff’rent Strokes Dragonball Z End Of Evangelion Enter the Dragon The Fifth Element Frozen Gattaca The Goonies Hamburger Hill Home Alone The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Idiocracy Killer Klowns from Outer Space King Kong Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Matrix The Mysterious Stranger (The Adventures of Mark Twain) The Neverending Story Office Space Oh! My Goddess! OVA (Ah! My Goddess!) The Princess Bride Resident Evil RWBY Sailor Moon Saw: The Final Chapter Schindler’s List Secret Garden She’s The Man Shinesman Silence of the Lambs The Simpsons Sinister Spaceballs Star Wars: Episode II Star Wars: Episode III Star Wars: Episode IV Superman: The Movie Superman III Titanic Tourist Trap (1979) UHF The Walking Dead
  • @Marisa Kennedy I don't suppose you still keep an eye on this channel do you?
  • @KethusNadroev
    That was way too sophisticated for me to leave a longer comment on. I'll just say that I agree. If that's all we saw from Pyrrha it would definitely seem like she was just a puppet, unless she is one of those characters who develop via flashbacks, but I don't see that happening. Would be a good idea to equalize the volume a bit if you do a similar video in the future so the listener doesn't jump when there's suddenly an overly loud film segment because they cranked up the audio so they can hear you.
  • I don't care what the other commenters say she should come back and I really don't think it would ruined the series all I want and for the other commenters to see pyrrha come back to the series and have a great ending for the characters in this series even though some people are just tried of the idea of anime characters coming back from the dead they just don't want the idea of bringing back anime characters anymore for some or most people how are fans of Rwby and for the characters show how many of you still want the Idea of seeing coming back pyrrha so she and jaune can be together forever and ever so they can have a wonderful life.