They Do NOT Want You to Hear This Ex-transgender’s Story

Published 2024-05-10
Ex-transgender woman shares her ASTONISHING testimony. In this video, Laura Perry Smalts speaks on her story, the hope that can be found in Christ, the truth about transgenderism, and more.

For more biblical wisdom on identity, check out Who Am I? by Martyn Iles:


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All Comments (21)
  • @semanuel4981
    ❤️As a mother of a young adult daughter doing "transition" now (and nearly totally cut off from me), I thank you for all of this, Laura. I wish I could make her watch this. Am praying God might find a way for her to see/ hear your message... 🙏🙏🙏
  • My 32 year old son revealed to me in February of last year (2023) that he is transitioning... I was shocked. I couldn't understand where this had come from. My son was always very boyish and never liked girl things that I ever noticed. I am a born again Christian so it really broke my heart, and again when he told me that he isn't a Christian. He had been on hormones for 7 months at that time and was already growing breasts. He has since begun dating another male to female trans person who is an atheist. He also has a roommate who he has been friends with since highschool who is gay. He has also already had electrolysis on his facial hair, and has recently legally changed his name from Christopher to Crystal. He wants to have facial feminization surgery, breast implants, and bottom surgery. He claims he is happier than he has ever been, but I think he is more depressed than I have ever seen him. Because I am a born again Christian I have done the best that I know how to do as far as loving him even though I disagree with whathe is doing. He asked me to stop calling him my son (so I don't when I'm around him, but I call him my son whenever I am not around him), and He no longer wants me to call him Chris or Christopher, so I tried to just call him Hon, or honey, or sweetie... But I will not ever go against what God wants me to do and call him Crystal or use his preferred pronouns. But, he doesn't understand that I have no choice, because if I docall him Crystal or by his preferred pronouns then I am affirming his chosen gender, which would be the same as condoning it... It would be like giving him a push on the road towards hell. My son's blood would be on my hands and I would be partially at fault for him ending up in hell. I love my son more than anyone on the face of this earth and I want my son to be with me in heaven. But because I won't call him Crystal, and won't affirm his chosen identity, he has called me a hater, a bigot, and a transphobe. I don't hate anyone. He doesn't understand that the reason I can't call him Crystal or use his preferred pronouns is BECAUSE I love him so much! I know that the path he is on is the wrong one and that it will only lead to more pain, depression, and destruction. On Christmas, it was the first Christmas that he didn't spend with us, because he knows that none of us agree with whatge is doing.. but he invited us to come over to his apartment. So we brought his gifts and I had marked them simply with a "C" because I didn't know how else to label them. Well, he answered the door with a pen in his hand and his "girlfriend" (mtf trans) and his gay roommate on each side of him, and he told me that he wanted me to change the name on the gifts to "Crystal". I stood there shocked, feeling the stares of all three of them waiting for me to change the names on the gifts. They were trying to bully me into it. I said no! I told him that I can't, and I won't go against God. Then he said he won't accept the gifts unless I change the names. At this moment my daughter (who had been trying to stay neutral and stay out of it) got angry, called him by a cuss word and dropped his gifts and she went back to the car. Then my sontold me that he wouldn't talk to any of us until we start calling him Crystal. I did my best to try to explain to him why I can't, and I said that it's Christmas and not the time for this, but he said it was because he needed to stick up for himself... Ugh. So, after standing there trying to reason with him for a very long time, my family was yelling at me to come back to the car ao we could go home, so I didn't know what to do and I felt hopeless and I slowly turned around and walked back to my car, and then I just broke and bawled my eyes out. I cried for a long time.. and then i got in the car and drove away. Chris has not talked to me since, except for the other night after I texted him that I just wanted to say that I love him and that I'll be waiting here with open arms if he ever decides to forgive and come home. But he was angry in his response and told me that u needed to apologize to him and that he might just block us all completely, and then told me to "go kiss a girl and maybe you'll find a girlfriend and be happy!" 😳... I still don't understand why he said that... Maybe because he knew it would offend me as a Christian 😓. My son has never been so disrespectful to me as he has been since he started transitioning. I believe he is being at least oppressed if not possessed by a demon. It is as if Im not even talking to my son anymore when im talking to him. Where did my sweet loving, caring son go? I just want my son back. It literally feels like my son is dying and I am in mourning! This is the hardest thing I have ever gone through (and I've been through a lot!)... No one ever talks about how hard this trans thing is on the parents, but it is absolutely heart wrenching! So, I finally just had to put my son in the Lord's hands, because I was about to have a mental breakdown, having major depression, and even suicidal thoughts. It was killing me. So I gave him to the Lord and all I can do is keep praying for my son's salvation and for the Lord to bring my prodigal son back home to me! Satan is using the LGBTQ agenda to destroy families, especially with the trans community... It literally destroys the nuclear type family, the family how God meant a family to be.
  • @zerosteel0123
    God can deliver anyone. Doesn't matter what their past is.
  • “God, how do we keep these kids from being broken?” He said, “You can’t. You can lead them to the One who will heal their brokenness.” 🔥 🙌 Amen, sister. We are all broken.
  • @Barb-og7sv
    It really struck me when you said that trans is: 'counterfeit being born again'!!! Exactly something the devil would push big time!
  • @SusieQ3
    There is a lot of similarities in our stories. I praise Jesus that I was allowed to grow into the woman I was born to be. He gave me a new heart, He healed my mind and PCOS, He gave me a wonderful husband, and He made me the mother of 5 beautiful and amazing biological children.
  • There is no hurt too deep that God cannot heal. 🙏🙏🙏✝️ We serve a God who is bigger than our past.
  • @chriskdayton
    Thank You Laura for your testimony. Very powerful. My Granddaughter is going through being Transgender right now. She has completely cut off from all family members but we are diligently praying and seeing God working through others around her. She has autism and was sexually assaulted by a 54 year old co-worker at 17 years old. Shortly after she hated everything about herself that he touched or liked. She started social transition at school unknown to her mother and us. At 19 she ran away with a group of transgender people. We were blind sided and so was her counselor. Your testimony has given us so much hope as we are relying more and more on God for everything everyday. Yours words were given by the Holy Spirit and they have blessed me and many others. Love in Christ. Blessings on you and your family
  • @robiny.4395
    I am blown away by the wisdom the Lord Jesus is giving this woman to share, for such a time as this. Thank you Jesus I’m praying the people who need to hear this will find it without even searching for it. Holy Spirit anoint this and open the ears of those who need to hear.
  • @askbrettmanning
    This is the very definition of true courage! Bold and unashamed!!! Blessings to our dear sister in Christ!
  • @7uhv
    Your honesty,vulnerability and openess is so needed God Bless you.
  • @Purity10101
    I love this woman's tender heart and the understanding & compassion she has for her mother even though she grew up the way she did.
  • @tonyabrown7796
    Thanks for this. My children play with the neighbour kids. The kids are wonderful; at 9 years old every Sunday they get ready and walk down the street alone to church. Their parents however are living extremely sinful lives; sexual deviancy, drugs, car thievery etc . I realise now that I have been judging them, instead of showing them the love of Jesus.
  • @benlogan1187
    You're a very strong woman, what an amazing story. I've been brought to tears several times.
  • Fantastic testimony of God's saving grace in Jesus Christ! Thank you Jesus for saving Laura and for now using her to glorify your name. Praise Jesus.
  • This was so encouraging. My 20 yr old daughter is not speaking to me. It's my fault and it's very painful. I'm praying God will heal our relationship.
  • Thank you for sharing your testimony. I needed to hear this as a mother. ❤
  • beautiful testimony. Please pray for a young girl called Anna K. She's hurt & under deception but Jesus can save her.
  • @jayneedens5139
    Listening to this increases my compassion and desire to pray for those so lost and confused to get trapped by the LGBT theology.