We Saw Something VERY Different From What the Media Covered

Published 2024-04-12
We saw something VERY different from what the mainstream media covered on the recent solar eclipse. In this video, Danny Faulkner and Rob Webb reveal what our little crowd of Bible-believing Christians saw during this incredible moment.


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All Comments (21)
  • @QuehannaWildman
    I thought "if a solar eclipse is this incredible imagine seeing the God who created it"
  • @cysmith2391
    The heavens declare the glory of God. Amen🙏🏻♥️✝️
  • GOD in action ! The Heaven's declare the Glory of GOD. Psalm 19:1
  • @johnniemae794
    So Amazing no matter how dark it gets you can never hide the Light Of God
  • @j.d.529
    I got to witness totality. The “diamond ring” was the brightest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. It was more brilliant and dazzling than I can even explain. Yet, I could look upon it. I now hold Mathew 17:2 differently in my heart. “And [Jesus] was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.”
  • @raysearch-iu3fr
    I drove 20 mins south to the north shore of Lake Erie with my Fuji telephoto camera. What I witnessed absolutely blew me away! God's signature on Creation! I'll never forget it as long as I live! Got ONE perfect shot of Totality.
  • @Isaacmantx
    I can't help but mention how much I dislike Neil deGrasse Tyson's narcissism and self grandiosity. He truly is an example of self worship, and I pray that he can eventually see our Lord YHWH for the masterful creator that he is.
    That Billy Nye clip is so incredible. How did anyone ever take these people seriously? These priests of the science are practicing a fundamentalist religion that require more faith than every miracle in the Bible combined.
  • @SK-bw2cv
    What a God we serve! Praise his Holy name ☝️
  • @joede1123
    Drove 4 hours to Canada. Drove 13 to get home. No picture does it justice. It is definitely awe inspiring. I'm so glad I was able to see God 's preview to heaven.
  • @AlaskaRose70
    God is amazing. I marvel at His wondrous works daily, from the sunrise to a tiny chickadee. He created it all, from microbes in the soil to distant planets. It all proclaims His power and glory. No one is like Him. And He loves me. The creator of all of that, loves me. And I love Him with every fiber of my being. Glory be to God most High!
  • @johnclassick240
    The eclipse being a week after Easter, made me think about what the people saw on good Friday. The darkness when Christ died.
  • It was an absolutely amazing sight to behold. I was shocked at how cool it was. I thought how powerful and beyond our comprehension that the Lord God is. We can’t comprehend a small fraction of who he is
  • @josephbenge8707
    It reminds me of the story of Moses asking God to see him and God saying he couldn't look directly upon him or he would die. So God hid him in a crevice and placed his hand over him to shade himself from the direct view of Moses. But even doing that caused Moses face to glow so brightly that he had to place a vail over his face for the people to even look at him. That's what i thought the moment i saw the eclipse. It was mind-blowing amazing. But to one day be able to see our God face ro face is unimaginable.