[ENG SUB] 金正恩豪车背后 那些不能说的秘密 | 世界大解说 The Secrets behind Kim Jong Un's Luxury Cars

Published 2024-07-11
2024年6月18日,俄罗斯总统普京造访朝鲜,期间有一幕让人尤其难忘:普京先是亲自开车,载着金正恩游园兜风;后来更是把一部俄产奥鲁斯 (Aurus) 豪车送给金正恩,惹得后者心花怒放。俄朝在平壤借着“豪车外交秀”高调彰显两国的紧密关系。

除了奥鲁斯之外,金正恩在朝鲜其实还拥有至少18台包括欧美日生产的豪车;而他的最爱?德国制造的马赛地顶级品牌“迈巴赫” (Mercedes-Maybach)。



On 18 June 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited North Korea. During the visit, he took North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong Un for a spin, and even gave him a Russian-made Aurus limousine, which hit the right notes with the North Korean leader.

This “luxury car diplomatic show” in Pyongyang was a show of Russia and North Korea close relationship.

Apart from the Aurus, Kim Jong Un also owns at least 18 luxury cars in North Korea, with German-made Mercedes’ top-of-the-line brand Maybach being his favourite.

How did Kim Jong Un smuggle luxury cars in inspite of United Nations’ sanctions against North Korea ? What do luxury cars mean to Kim Jong Un? How do ordinary North Koreans feel when they see their “loving father” parading around in a luxury car?

Watch “The World Explained” to uncover the secrets behind Kim Jong Un’s luxury cars and North Korea’s luxury car trade.

00:00 金正恩豪车背后 那些不能说的秘密
The unspeakable secrets behind Kim Jong Un’s luxury cars

00:45 朝俄领袖豪车外交 两国元首各有算盘
North Korea and Russia leaders’ luxury car diplomacy;
The two heads of state have their own agenda

06:34 为过德国豪车瘾 瞒天过海造走私网络
Smuggling network secretly set up to satisfy German luxury car addiction

11:48 赠豪车笼人心 金正恩尽显政治手腕
Giving luxury cars to win people’s hearts;
Kim Jong Un shows off political skills

13:47 宣传教育洗脑民众 穷奢极侈是“王的权利”
People brainwashed by propaganda that extravagance is “the king’s right”

#朝鲜 #金正恩 #豪车#朝鲜战争 #迈巴赫 #马赛地 #世界大解说 #northkorea #KimJongUn #LuxuryCar #KoreanWar #Maybach #MercedesMaybach

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All Comments (21)
  • @Armed-panda
  • @one-ez1hi
  • @lequanmama
  • @kaipiao520
  • 将军用300斤的伟岸身躯粉碎来自帝国主义的尊严
  • 那些饿的面黄肌瘦的朝鲜人见到了拥有如云豪车的领袖激动的泪流满面。
  • @Max-c5s8u
  • @joe80655
  • 記得北韓他應該算是目前汽車保有量只有3萬台的國家,然後記得這個國家的人口2500萬,汽車保有量放在放在全世界200個國家地區裡面完全算是比蘇丹共和國、索羅門群島差不多的地下室水平
  • 10:14 這個片段然後再配上這個畫質不太像是2019年的感覺要說1989年1999年,我都相信要是少的那一台邁巴赫真的會有這樣子的感覺