Amazing DPDR Recovery story | How Kirsten Recovered from Derealization by learning to surrender


コメント (11)
  • I'm almost there myself! 10 months of recovery and therapy. Be patient, do your exercises and most of all try to control your anxiety! You all got this. Nothing is forever.👍👍
  • The acceptance is totally the key for me. Acknowledging it's there, accepting that it's there. "This sucks, I'm very uncomfortable. I'm not going to fight it or try to fix it or fixate on it. I'm just going to let it be there." That was the beginning of me feeling better.
  • a few more tips i'd like to mention in hindsight but i had to rush to a meeting right after our interview! this might all sound corny. • The world we live in right now, especially with current state of affairs, don't create anymore resistance for yourself. Be the softness you need (without being a pacifist/victim). • See this as a chance for change. A lot of people lament and grieve the life they had before DPDR. I'm going to tell you right now — that's done; in the past. It's gone. These are your growing pains and a chance for you to grow into something bigger, brighter and better! • There's no harm in getting checked by your GP/family doctor, to rule out anything. By this I mean a blood test for example. How are your vitamin levels, or your blood sugar levels? Etc. Fixing these might not cure you (that's an internal process) but they might benefit you in the long run anyway! • Ask yourself: when you've dissociated, what's the worst that has happened to you? Objectively and without hyperinflating it due to your emotions/subjectivity, what is the WORST thing. I bet, for the majority of you, you have just been extremely uncomfortable. That's all. Discomfort won't kill you, you just fear it atm. i leave you with a quote i came across recently and i really like it: "failure only becomes permament when you fall and refuse to get back up." (i'm watching this and realising how nice the thumbnail's selfie is and then the lighting in my room today as i recorded this with the sun blinding me 😅)
  • I feel like i’m getting there but the worst thing for me is the feelings of dread and just frustration with myself. Things also just look of and faces don’t seem right. I feel like i’m getting better but at the same time i still don’t know how to deal with these feelings…
  • @rahm8427
    Hie Robin,how do i get in touch with you?
  • @mal2682
    I have a question. I’ve had dpdr once in the past and i overcame it. About 3 weeks ago I had a panic attack and got it again, it was more severe but it’s gotten better and more manageable. I’ve practiced not being afraid and going on with life but it’s still a little bit present, it isn’t as scary anymore but it is annoying, so do you know what my next steps should be in order to get it completely away?
  • @ashleyen3
    Hi Kirsten, My existential ocd/dp exploded after I tried getting off anxiety meds. Ive been back on the meds for about 8 weeks and still not ok. Ugh. Last time i came off meds it happened but i was back to normal in 3 weeks. Not sure whats happening.