《香港電視主題組曲》 墨爾本肇風中樂團與香港女青中樂團 - 聯合演出 Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra & Hong Kong YWCA Chinese Orchestra

Published 2018-05-10
《香港電視主題組曲》 指揮:陳一平 作曲:顧嘉煇


Hong Kong TV Theme Suite Conductor: Yat Ping Chan Composer: Joseph Koo
(Performed in 2017 by Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra and Hong Kong YWCA Chinese Orchestra in Melbourne Recital Centre to celebrate Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra’s 35th anniversary).

This suite includes 10 songs composed for various television serials in Hong Kong, which in their full glory, topped the hit charts. Originally written for Western Orchestra, the suite has been rearranged specifically for Chinese orchestra.


All Comments (21)
  • Absoluteley love traditional chinese intruments! On one hand they sound fragile and yet they generate such raw power unmatched. Bravo to all of the orchestra and thanks! PS: And when conductor Yat Ping Chan sings "ho-ha" you know this concert is a labour of love. :D
  • @dfong2211
  • @hcp0302
    演奏默契十足 樂團氣勢磅礴 二個樂團的合作令人感動不已
  • @alfredtai4950
    Hats off to these Melbournian Chinese musical instruments musicians, you have made Melbourne proud for such high-quality performances.
  • @kevinlai3861
  • @jinli8329
    中國政府應該大力支持華夏傳統古典音樂 一代代傳承下去
  • @Mianhua123
  • @user-gd6cl4xx3w
    Very good.!群英会。演奏水平一流。曲诗情画意。音色优美。谢谢! 学中西弓弦琴(九字诀)之窍:(一字一功-匠心精铸-相伴升辉) 1,功夫:修练沉行悟道灵毅精, 2,心态:艺高胆大台上如台下, 3,弓法:慢长连击颤跳短顿快, 4,指法:扣打弹跳垫压点揉滑。 第一課,学琴九字诀。简单表述学习内容之一(悟)。 功夫中的(悟)字功: (悟)-悟之窍也 ! 视而不见则有之 ! 天来具有称之(天赋),后天具有称之(灵感),俗称之(悟性-悟道-悟空)又称之(.醒悟-领悟-开穷-开悟),表现(学有专一,举一返三,族类傍通,一学就会,一点就通,一看就知,不教自通, 学有创新,新意不断- 样样行家, ),观查(反映快-来得快-做得好-与众不同),常言道(天外有天-人外有人,见仁见智-老师带进門-成功在个人),悟在(心中-脑海-全身)-归纳二字(用心)-开窍(悟道越远-看到越多-学到越全)-悟-学万物宝典之一。 海外(八旬老人- 学二胡)练习-演奏-叙事。2022年2月22日。 学习分享-架起桥梁:www.youtube.com/channel/UC082vXsxE4srZi-N1lNL8cQ 感恩此平台,分享我学琴之叙事,敬请老师指教
  • @andrewng622
    Pictures at the screen do not match the music, they are one theme ahead of the music.
  • @pingchen66