Terrified Of Communication

Publicado 2019-04-08

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Convicted_Melon
    I absolutely know the feeling. Even thinking about connecting with old friends causes anxiety to flare up.
  • I just recently came across your videos. My son suffers from the same condition. He thinks exactly likes you. Spends the day in our basement, won't go out of the house, and has no friends. It breaks this moms heart. Your videos helps me to understand he is not alone in this mental illness journey. I hope one day you and my son can get over the fear of people and realize how much you are loved and how many people are here for you and him. Sending you love and hugs and safe thoughts from Colorado
  • @thcdanes
    Hey Jacob- I admire you and appreciate your honesty. I've learnt a lot from your channel, and you've found a way to reach people without needing to be 'social'. Keep going man. Thanks
  • Even a person with no health issues will get scared of people if they are isolated under a long time. That is totally normal. One problem with schizophrenia, bipolar or depression is that the amygdala is oversensitive and that is producing fears for things that are not scary. Try KBT therapy. Make small steps every day to get better by forcing you to do a small thing that makes you uncomfortable. Say walk down and go around your house. THen expand to go around your house two times. Call a friend or relative on skype and expand to do a small step every day. People with a phobia for spiders or any type of phobia is trained and exposed to what they fear. Buy a brighter light to have in your room. That will give your brain stimulation and tell your brain that you are not in a black cave hiding. It will trick your brain into that you are in a bright place and that you are not hiding for some unknown danger. I am not a psychologist this is just a laymans suggestion that I have heard psychologists use to help people.
  • @Vissysaurus
    I sometimes get scared to even like a video, thinking that I've given people something to analyze about me. That's also when I won't answer the phone, terrified of the conversation. For me, luckily, this comes and goes.
  • I don't have a single friend either, I've tried, my diagnosis is PTSD. I'm incredibly suspicious of everyone I meet and I like being alone, I have zero social skills and also dealt with a good amount of bullying and people hating me. So it never works to have a friend. Sometimes I wish I could. Even if your videos are you just talking to yourself, I really connect with a lot of what you say.
  • @oscarzpeart
    Oh man, I’m not schizophrenic but I relate to a lot you’ve said. I went through something like this and it isn’t something I would wish on anyone. Still deal with some of it today. Listen, try not to torture yourself with your thoughts. I’m much better now and I realize that it is OKAY to be asocial. Personally I find my mood and energy is much better on my own. I embrace it. First, don’t waste your energy trying to imagine what other people are thinking. Second, FORGIVENESS. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Please be kind to yourself.
  • No matter what, you have connected with a lot of people who watch your videos. I know it's hard. I've had this condition for 4 years. It's definitely changed me. I don't really let anyone get close either. I have friend's & I have had good times with people but it always goes back to me being alone & to be honest I'm just used to that now. This might not be something you'd be into but have a look & see if there are any mental health groups for young people you could attend. The Hearing Voices groups for example. It might be good to try meet people going through what you are and feeling what you do. Wish you all the best bro. Your videos have helped me a lot & I started my own channel on here about a year ago. Best thing I ever did.
  • @suzannealsop3394
    I and most others know you are not fake. I have schizoaffective disorder and can relate to what you say. With meds I am able to go to work but still have paranoia quite often about what others might think or say about me. I too don’t like being around many people. I try remember it is just the illness that makes me think and feel this way. You really help me in not feeling alone with my illness and give me strength. Love you bro 😊
  • @pliit2101
    You should write a book to express yourself. In your own thoughts.
  • @skined6326
    I know you’re not faking Jacob. I have been diagnosed schizophrenic by multiple doctors and you have all my symptoms
  • @buildingburning
    Thank you so much for sharing. I relate all too much, and it's so nice to hear this spoken about. Thank you.
  • The not looking people in the eye thing, I feel you!! Making eye contact is fucking terrifying! Then when I don't look at people I start thinking oh they think I'm shifty or bad or something and it makes it worse! Made me feel a bit better knowing that I'm not the only one!
  • @davidmarsh470
    Thanks for making these videos Jacob. I relate to almost everything you go through and you're a hero to me for posting these videos and being so open and honest about what you go through.
  • @Chiaretta-xl3bf
    Thank you for making that video, It made me feel less lonely. Lately I have lost all my friends so I can understand how you feel and It sucks.I have mental health illness too, I am not schizophrenic but I suffer from depression, anxiety, self harm, and some months ago I tried to OD with my antidepressants. I send you a virtual hug from Italy, stay strong
  • love you man.... i dont have schizophrenia .. i have obsessions of being schizophrenic///general anxiety disorder...panic disorder...persistent postural perceptive vertigo... but listening to you just keep me feel really joy... goodluck to you man.. <3 we support you and love you .. and please.. dont blame yourself for what you are <3 its not your choice to have such illness.. for me when i see people like you fight and dont give up despite your hard condition.. this by itself is a message of hope and a slap to our cheeks to be thankfull for everything and to take moment of silent and respect you... God bless you..
  • @yepsirree
    thank you for sharing! i too have troubles with trusting people, which i think has to do with a combonation of personality awkwardness, plus delusions and paranoia about people. only recently have i started making friends, in my late twenties. its cool that you connect with people via youtube and your other channels. hope to see more videos 🤙🏽
  • @sarahowen6764
    I relate to you on this in such an extreme way. I have a really hard time connecting with people and being social. It makes it hard to do a lot of things like get a job or have friends. It's almost more torturous being aware of it all. Thanks for making this video. It helps me feel a little less alone.
  • @aybuke5619
    I can't go outsite. When i have to go outsite it makes me feel like i'm gonna die or everybody will look at me or something like that. I don't know why. They don't even care about me, but i care about their thought against me. I don't have any friends I'm so shy,terrified,scared talking and it's boring too. But being alone is boring too.I hope you can get through this problem and in future maybe you can make a video about this with title "How to beat being terrified of communication" or something like that :D and help us. This channel looks like your diary. It's good to you. You can check it out your mind condition. It helps me to learn English also. Thank you for channel and being friend to me. I hope you feel yourself better soon.
  • @MrBreadman420
    Thank you for posting your videos. My son was just diagnosed with schizophrenia and I am trying to learn and understand how this illness affects him. He will not talk to me or anyone in our family - so your videos are helping me gain insight into this illness. Keep up the good work and hope to see more from you. again thank you for putting these videos up - you are really helping others by doing them.