Logan Paul's Most Profitable Scam Yet

Published 2023-08-14

All Comments (21)
  • @ChubiPanda
    This is a great video. The only problem is grown adults looking for adequate hydration are not the target market. It’s teenagers with pockets full of their parents money.
  • @mbag012
    It's actually amazing how this guy goes from scam to scam ripping people off
  • @pb6839
    Ancient romans would mix salt, water, and a splash of wine vinegar to stay hydrated. Original lemonade is sprinkle of salt, lemon juice, and water. There is a trend here. Acid for taste, water, and a sprinkle of salt ;)
  • @WhatIMakeIsRandom
    I find it crazy how they declare it's a drink for athletes yet all flavours, designs, promos indicate that they are marketing it towards kids...
  • @hellfire5108
    This just shows the power or marketing and influencers. People believe what you market.
  • @BunchyGearsGuy
    I wanna give mad props, I've never been good at the likes of science or the biology of the human body, but the way you broke that all down regarding how the body works was so straightforward and easy to understand! Felt like I'd learned more in 2 minutes than an entire 30-minute class in school, lmao
  • @S1apShoes
    I work at UPS and we're outside all day in 90F degree heat. In the back of the truck it has a greenhouse affect and my heat gun clocked a temp of 133F one time. We're out there for sometimes 10 hours a day and at the warehouse NO ONE drinks Prime. It's all Body Armor and Gatorade as far as the eye can see. This guy is right: listen to the pros that do this sort of stuff for a living.
  • @EthNick16
    I love how everything Logan Paul touches becomes a scam. It's actually impressive to keep going on your scams after they are broken down. Keep it up Logan, it will catch up to you eventually
  • @toddtoddler9963
    It’s a shame it’s a tragedy that world class football clubs such as Barcelona or Bayern are promoting this, I can assure their players won’t be drinking this shit
  • @Jugg3rnut
    I haven't tried Prime, nor do i ever plan to. I try to make it a habit of not supporting scammers
  • @m6isme
    Every time I walk by a shop with "PRIMES SOLD HERE, £15 PER BOTTLE" I both chuckle and feel sad
  • @RobaMostarRoba
    the fact that so many professional teams and players are signing with prime is wild to me
  • @emilcioran8873
    My grandpa said once: There would be no rich people if it were not for the idiots buying their crap
  • @DieNextInLINE
    I always knew that IV fluids was water, sodium and glucose but I didnt know why the glucose was added other than thinking it was just replenishing what was lost. Good to learn and makes me feel a little better about my choice of Pedialyte for rehydration.
  • @remy9240
    Thank you for making this video! It drives me crazy seeing how many kids are drinking this BS. I went to Aldi yesterday (based in UK) and was kinda shocked to see them selling a whole wall full of prime drinks and they're 2quid a can. Insane. Kids who watch those guys will be pestering their parents to buy it for them. Proper scam.
  • @dailywire_memes
    Its nice to see that as soon as everyone tries it and sees how shit it is that it ends up over stocked at all my local supermarkets.
  • @CynicalPOV
    You can tell this guy not only exercises his body but also his mind.
  • @wowcool777
    Thank you so much for this video! The fact that there is so much marketing behind such a bs drink is sickening!