I can't be the only one... | Loneliness

Publicado 2018-01-27
Hello! Hope you are all having a relaxing weekend! Today i thought i'd talk about something that has been on my mind a lot recently. Hopefully by opening up about it we can have a big chat in the comments!
Loneliness seems like something to be ashamed of or awkward to talk about - lets change that!

Or maybe I'm the only one?

Lots of love,
Bethany & Cove x
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @AlabamaMarrs
    People find it hard to understand it’s possible to feel lonely even in a room full of people. The weird thing is if I opened up & told someone I was lonely, my first reaction to them offering to come over would be ‘no, I want to be alone’ 😩 Yet on the outside I reckon people I know would never believe me as I seem outgoing & busy & confident.
  • So glad you have made a video about this. It's something we struggle we constantly but videos like this make us realise it's more normal than we think.
  • @hannahlane756
    Hello Bethany, my name is Hannah, I also experience both anxiety and loneliness and have just finally spoken to someone about it. The first real time I experience loneliness was when I was in primary school as I was really badly bullied and thats where my anxiety started getting out of control. I don’t really want to bored you with my life story of anxiety and loneliness but I just want to say thank you and your family so much for filming these videos as it bring some light on a cloudy day. You are truely brave and selfless about telling your story and you have changed so many peoples lives. Thank you so very much for doing what you are doing and you are truly an angel. Would love to me you and your adorable family. Love from New Zealand
  • @gracelowery9662
    Needed this. I relate exactly to how you feel! Thank you so much for stepping out and sharing this. I definitely needed to hear this and not feel alone in feeling alone!
  • All humans are bound to feel lonely sometimes. ❤️ If not, how could we value things like family and friends the way we do? ☺️My boyfriend is in the military forces and since we live in Sweden it’s not a big thing, however, it does include that he is at work for several days and nights in a row. That is when I feel lonely. We’ve moved a couple of hours away from family and I do have my friends at uni here but I still feel lonely sometimes. I try to go to places where I know I have to talk to people and be polite, like uni but also the grocery store, out for a walk where lots of dog owners walk or just taking the bus. I feel like smiling and just uttering a simple “hello” helps. 😌 hope you feel better soon and find a way that’ll help you! Sending lots of love ❤️
  • @itsemxoxo
    Thank you so much for this video Bethany, very brave of you! ❤️ so reassuring to know that other people feel this way too! Loneliness is a huge part of my life, especially when my siblings are at school and my dads a work - a empty house everyday really effects me. Not having anybody to speak to for the whole day can really mess you up! 💔 then it's always in the back of your mind that it's your fault that no-one wants to know you, or speak to you and you start to think what you're doing wrong. Anxiety and ptsd are forever stopping me from leaving the house alone 💔 such an amazing video, again, thank you so much for this! Love you ❤️
  • @emmariggs350
    Thank you for this. After suffering from anxiety at Uni also and now being a mum, I can totally relate to this and it's so refreshing to hear someone talking about it 💜 x
  • @FlexedJBMuscles
    I’m super glad I clicked on this. Suffering with the chest pain/heart attack symptoms but it’s just anxiety and I was super relieving to hear someone mention this so I don’t feel like I’m the only one.
  • @jessely8209
    Releaved to hear I'm not the only one who's ended up in A&E when I was having a panic attack. Loneliness is such an important thing to talk about xx
  • Thanks for sharing Bethany. Can resonate so well with what you're saying. I've got a 5 month old baby, plenty family and friends but feel the same as you. Admire your courage to speak about this topic so openly. This is why I like your channel 💙
  • @korinhockman
    Only 10 mins in and im crying I actually have no idea why but this is super interesting and I think I can just see how hard this wouldve been to share online
  • @curlybobofelia
    Thank you for your video, I saw your InstaStories during my lunch break at work earlier on in the week and I was feeling particularly lonely that day, so to me it was fate and reassuring. There have always been periods of my life where I have experienced loneliness, in primary school, high school, university and at home but I always saw myself as independent and like you say, introverted. However, I am definitely going through more of a rough spell recently now that I live in a 1 bed flat in Aberdeen by myself & work 6 days a week at three different jobs. This means I have no time or energy to communicate with friends, leaving me pretty much in complete isolation. It's really hard but I know I still have my best friends and an amazing opportunity work wise. I agree though, it still seems like such a taboo, embarrassing topic to talk about, especially if you have family & friends. Everyone just needs to have a bit more awareness and compassion in their hearts and we should not be afraid to stick up for ourselves. Well done my dear, lots of love to your family and if you ever need someone to chat to, I'm here. :)
  • Hiya Bethany I really loved this video as to know that somebody else has felt the way I feel I too suffer with panic attack’s they can in themselves make you feel that your on your own so I love that you’ve opened up and shared how you feel love your family thanks for sharing Rose xx
  • @Jordifer
    When you mentioned in the vlogs that you were making a video on this topic I knew it would be an emotional video and one that I could relate to. You’re so brave to open up about so much of your private life. I didn’t realise that you suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, I do too. I just had my first baby and as much as I love him it is HARD... you are alone A LOT! I struggled so much. I found your videos when I was pregnant and I often see myself in you when I watch the vlogs; you’re a perfectionist, a planner, a stay at home mum, you’re religious, you’re a wife and so many other things! I just really relate to you and hope you continue to make videos and continue to strive to better your situation and break out of the loneliness.
  • Hi! Thank you for answering my question, I loved this! It honestly sounded like you were describing me when you were talking about you! The video has given me another push to be the conversation starter and get out of the situation and not feel like someone is going to wave a magic wand and get me out of it. It's so helpful to hear these things even if I know them already, it makes it hit home even more and gives me the motivation to push myself into maybe an uncomfortable situation. At the end of the day though if I don't go into these situations then nothing is going to change. Love the topics that seem awkward or controversial because that's what is going to help and change people most! Keep going you're doing so well!
  • Hi Bethany, thanks so much for this video. Loneliness is definitely something I have felt A LOT. Especially after highschool when I was trying to figure out what to do with my life. Everyone I feel like is busy with their own lives and plans and it's hard to find that one on one connection and sense of community. Im in my early 20's, single and no kids. To me where you are in life - married, and kids is what I long to have. It goes to show though that everyone season in life has it's own challanges. I'm also like you and am naturally intreverted and find it hard to talk to new people. I would prefer a night in then a night out but at the same time get energy from my friends too. Thanks again for opening up and sharing. Much love from Canada 😊❤
  • @MissRachelsSex
    Love this video ❤️ you are so right about after nap time, after 3-4 I'm just waiting for my other half to get home it's the lonliest time of the day. You definitely aren't alone I think most mums feel it ❤️
  • @sashalittle8825
    Thank you so much for sharing this. I completely understand and after nap time is definitely the loneliest times, after spending that hour or so on your own. I think a lot of loneliness when you have children is because you aren’t able to have your own thoughts, your not able to zone out and you can’t hear yourself think. I think a lot of the loneliness isn’t because your lonely of other company but you’re lonely of your own private company. I think we should talk about it more as it shows how much we care about our family, that we sacrifice ourselves fully to dedicate ourselves to our children. I’m only speaking about parenthood loneliness as I only experienced this since becoming a mum. All forms of loneliness should be spoken about and shared with others. Xx
  • @jenfriesen3371
    Hi Bethany , so glad you did this video. It was nice to sit down after putting the kids to bed and watch your video and know that I am not alone in these feelings of anxiety and loneliness. I too get this feeling of loneliness after the kids wake up from nap around 4 pm. I started feeling guilty that I was feeling this way as I haven’t come across anyone else that has felt the same way as me...I too am working on steps to get myself more “out there” and go visit friends and family more during this time as I know it will not only help me not feel down but also it will give my kids a great time out! I have to stop worrying that I am bothering people and just go for it. As for taking care of yourself you are right it is soooo hard when you are just so lovingly consumed with your children and your husband. I did make a promise to myself this year however, that I would take better care of myself. I have started with something small but it has made a big difference in my life- creating a skin care routine that would make me feel more confident and allow me some “me time”. It’s nothing big but to me - it is something I can look forward to ie. facial masks, serums and moisturizers etc and relaxing baths after the kids are asleep. Try to find something - small or big - that will give you a little bit of “you” time because you deserve it-all of us mommies do!! 🌸
  • @gemmahorton7827
    Hi Bethany, love this video! It’s certainly resonates with me - I struggle to make the first move with people, and hate small talk, and then also feel like I’m annoying people by mithering them! I will write a response to someone and then delete it! 🤦🏼‍♀️ deffo need to work on this! Loneliness can be tough and anxiety can really affect the way you deal with certain situations! Thanks for sharing your experiences! Xx