Dr Dharius Daniels’ Keys To Masculine Leadership @DhariusDanielsTV

Published 2023-04-11
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All Comments (21)
  • Shout out to all the women whose purpose is family! 👏👏
  • "Authority makes people follow. Influence makes people WANT TO follow." Man, that's a word!
  • @dpharrison7
    Oh my goodness watching these older videos I can truly see the growth of this platform and the growth in the hosts
  • @msvirtue
    This is the kind of masculinity that withdraws willful submission.
  • @denamiller199
    That's my Pastor/Mentor and COACH. He's the most humble, knowledgeable and one of the greatest communicators EVER!!!
  • @JeanJessica
    ´Tough enough to carry a cross, but soft enough to cry when his friend Lazarus died.´
  • Being a good leader first starts with leading yourself. If you can’t lead yourself, if you enjoy blaming women, if you don’t know who you are, then your influence will be weak and no woman can submit to the your mission. Stay Focused!
  • @tex7.7
    These a huge difference between listening to red pills podcasts to listening to podcast like this, I feel like I learned a lot from just watching this. Thanks Hardly initiated. ❤
  • “Real” grown men know that healing is needed. Boys that call themselves men don’t think there’s anything wrong with what they’re doing, saying, or how they’re living. Grown folks know that change and growth happens and is necessary. Folks who call themselves grown don’t care for either to occur. I don’t watch y’all regularly (I just came upon it while I was scrolling), but this particular episode was a good one. I have seen Pastor Darius Daniels; he’s a really good Pastor, and he’s wise. Good show, guys!!
  • Great convo. Dr Dharius Daniels is a treasure in this generation. Empowering and leading men is vital and necessary right now...Black men in particular. We love our men and need them.
  • @asha4189
    Okay Dr. Myles Munroe quote “When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.”
  • @meekbeing
    You all have invited comments so this is my opinion: Two Things... First...I'd like to encourage you all to match the conversational integrity and/or character of your guest. Pastor Daniels is dope, we know what he stands for and what he represents. That being said because he was respectful to accept your invite and respect your audience and platform...it would've been dope to see you all grant him that same courtesy with your language. Meaning, granting him the honor and respect of his Age, his Character, his Conversation, and his office of position. Be disciplined enough to Code switch or Match that energy. There is No Loss of authenticity nor loss of genuineness in doing that. Malcolm X was taught that people curse or use profanity because their vocabulary is limited BUT, that not the case with the Hardly Initiated Host... You all are WELL read! Secondly...I agreed with 98% of Pastor's answers, my disagreement comes with his initial answer to Purpose... As a Christian myself, Biblically a Man's purpose to work and build things that have dual utility all in one... those things or that one thing that he builds is to bring Worship to GOD while bringing Prosperity to his own House...period. That is a Very Heavy mandate, thus why over time a lot of men have abandoned it due to lack of examples, education, and affirmation thus they desire to stay children in adult bodies. But, we can't escape it...Men are created and called to carry Heavy things...and It's only when men embrace that, That Life for a Man becomes extremely enjoyable. There's so much freedom in that! 1 Corinthians 13:11 And Biblically, a woman's purpose is Family and there is so much Beauty, Power, Opportunity, Work, Growth, Prosperity, and Fulfillment in that work of Purpose. There's so much freedom in that! But, these modern times and single motherhood have tainted and or even poisoned the well. This is why the Bible says a virtuous Woman is challenging to find because most "aren't that" although some will put in the work to "become that" while extremely very few are "already that." Thus, their price is far above Rubies Proverbs 31:10 #My2Cents
  • @VVLake
    Oop, Dr. Dharius, what was that last pathway regarding purpose? We have 1. Unique Design 2. Unique Dreams 3. Unique Discontent This podcast is AMAZING. As a single millennial woman who is actively seeking the kingdom of God, practicing celibacy, defining my purpose, and striving for a level of excellence that no one around me has before, it is REFRESHING to know that there are men out here in my generation who care enough about the healing and growth of themselves for their future. I truly had started giving up on finding a man who has these kinds of mindsets as a 20- something but y’all are restoring my faith. Grateful for this legendary platform y’all are building. Praying it reaches everyone it was designed to 💗💗💗
  • So happy to see PD dropping his knowledge. When I attend church service, it is disproportionately female. PD understands that he has work to do outside of the church to reach the male audience. Despite all the propaganda we repeatedly see, I desire a black man who is a sound leader that will steward the household. However, one without character cannot expect another with discernment to follow. Having PD as my pastor has transformed my life in so many ways! He just gets it!
  • Consistency is so important. That was the first thing I noticed about my husband. He's the most consistent man I know till date, I never have to guess, He's so true in who he says he is and I can trust that with my eyes close. Also his confidence, oh chile, His confidence shocked me the first time I met him, not pride or arrogance cuz some get that confuse but he just had the surety of himself and the man that he is and wanna gonna be to me.
  • @evonza4858
    Both adults are the leaders and head of the household they are one👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🥰❤️🖤💚
  • @TOwens132
    My favorite teacher, theologian and conversationalist. Hands down.
  • Leadership is a necessity for men, which includes vision, action and accountability. The family either reap the benefits or are burdened by the lack thereof🤯
  • @GrigaGal
    I was browsing and missed this one . I like to listen to men speak because I have a son . So I listen to learn to help me possibly add questions or conversation I can generate with my son being I am mom . Thank you 💙🙏🏾. Hardly Initiated I enjoy what your doing .