5 Steps to Withdrawal SAFELY from Benzodiazepines | Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium

Publicado 2022-06-06
Today we will discuss 5 important steps/tips to take to withdraw safely from benzos (i.e. Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, and Valium)
Intro 00:00
Considerations 00:22
1. Talk to your provider 01:40
2. Support system 02:20
3. The right mindset 02:50
4. Determine your withdrawal schedule 03:45
- reviewing a withdrawal schedule 06:18
5. Listen to your body 10:00
- withdrawal symptoms 10:52
- post-withdrawal syndrome 11:57
The Dont's 14:09

Deprescribing Guide: amzn.to/4dZEUMk
The Ashton manual www.benzoinfo.com/ashtonmanual/
Article: New FDA Study Shows Benzodiazepines Can Cause Long-Term Injury
Article: How Long Does Withdrawal From Benzodiazepines Last?

Support groups
Benzo Buddies www.benzobuddies.org/
Benzo withdrawal support group (Facebook) www.facebook.com/groups/1533103743653421/
Benzo Withdrawal Support and info benzoreform.org/benzodiazepine-withdrawal-syndrome…
Angie Peacock: www.apeacockconsulting.com/

Find a doctor

Dr. Heather Ashton - Benzodiazepine Withdrawal    • Dr. Heather Ashton - Benzodiazepine W...  
The Ashton Manual Chapter II: How to Withdraw After Long Term Use    • The Ashton Manual Chapter II: How to ...  
10 Tips to Find Medical Help with Benzodiazepine Cessation from Dr. Christy Huff
   • Dr. Christy Huff's 10 Tips to Find Me...  

🚑 If you are in a mental health crisis, please dial 9-8-8 from the U.S. Or text HOME to 741741 and connect to a crisis counselor.
You can find a list of international crisis lines here: blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/

Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes only and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice or substitute for diagnosis and treatment of any conditions discussed herein. Furthermore, watching these videos or getting answers to comments/questions, does not establish a provider-patient relationship. Please consult with your own health care provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Mental health matters gear www.psychlifeteeco.com/

This video was made using
Doodly v2.7.4
Adobe Premiere- video editing software
Epidemic sound

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @MonacoRocha
    I was on klonopin 1mg. at bedtime for almost 20 years.... 19 months of tapering... alone no support... I've been totally off 18 months now.... I DID IT...!!!! AMEN.!!!!!!!! THANNK YOU GOD....NEVER AGAIN
  • @omaisgee123
    I'm one of those people who did the rapid detox taper. I was on Klonopin for over 5 years and was given a 7 day taper. Although it was a hellish experience to say the least, I felt about 80% normal after 3 months. I ran about 3 miles a day during those few months to combat the horrible anxiety and restlessness, no matter how shitty I felt. I did not want to be dependant on the drug anymore and had good at home support. It was tough, but after 10 months of being clean I feel great. When I think about how bad I felt going through those several months, I damn near cry tears of joy that I dont have to feel like that anymore. Recovery is definitely possible, I'm proof. 🙏
  • @jbwhetstone
    We need more medical professionals who understand not everyone can come off these meds easily. Some of us go through hell to get off these drugs. Thank you for this video!
  • @bigstuff52
    I was on Benzos for 30 years..Tapered off for a year and have been off for 14 months now..Been doing pretty well..Thanks for talking to people about this very important subject...
  • I just want to let all of you know that I was taking 2 mg of Klonopin every single day for 7 years straight. I tapered down my dose by 25% a week until getting down to .25 mg. Then I started taking every other day for 2 weeks and then every third day for another 2 weeks. I literally had zero withdrawal symptoms. I remember thinking that I can't believe there are all these nightmare stories online about this and I could have done this so much sooner. By no means am I suggesting that this is the proper way to do it and by no means am I saying that this will be the case for everyone. I'm just sharing the story because it was literally only MY FEAR of suffering through withdrawals that kept me from trying for the longest time. I have been off of all benzodiazepines for over 5 years now and have never looked back. Give yourself more credit than the typical person and do what needs to be done
  • @johnglavey808
    As a retired psychotherapist may I compliment you on an excellent presentation. My biggest gripe at the moment is not the drug but the medical practitioners. "Lets make money quickly" seems to be the dictum . " Do no harm " is a thing of the past.
  • This video is pretty good advice regarding stopping benzos. I finished a 10 month taper 5 months ago. Five months after taking my last dose, I feel so much better, but I can tell my brain is still healing. My reactions to stress are much better and zinc and magnesium help alot. Each person is different, so listen to your body and go slow if possible. Stay away from sleeping pills and alcohol.
  • I’ve been on 2mg of Xanax for over 5 years for epilepsy. My psychiatrist went on vacation and the nurse practitioner reduced my Rx to 1mg bc she didn’t want to get her “license taken away.” I went through collosal hell and she neglected to refill my Rx after 30 days. Another nurse practitioner finally refilled my Rx. I’m so grateful for your video and wish there were more compassionate and competent doctors who actually treat their patients and don’t fear that their license will be taken away.
  • @patrickhyatt172
    Every human reading this, stock up your meds and taper HOW YOU WANT
  • @francescag6889
    7 years and 3 years off a CT of Valium/Ambien. Living life normally and able to drink alcohol. Never CT off any benzo and I am forever grateful to have healed.
  • @waynelotz462
    12 yrs on Ativan given 8 months to ween..4yrs later still have physical issues such as walking…blood pressure issues..amongst horrible symptoms with withdrawals from these types of meds….absolutely slow safe taper…thank you for caring and sharing this video
  • best video on how to i have seen. been off two years now +still recovering.i think it was worth it.
  • The Ashton Manual is the best in addition to her lectures. She is no longer with us. No one lives forever.
  • @Qwalnuts
    Was in the process of going on my own withdrawal schedule separate from my doctor. You've clearly demonstrated the error I am in the process of committing. Thank you for this information!
  • @wtbwrites1806
    I was on 1 mg for about a year. Ive been reducing my dose by 0.25 every three weeks. It has its moments. But im definitely handling it better than i thought i would. Only 6 more weeks to go.
  • @lindadominy3804
    I have watched this video six times and I feel so much better with the common sense strategy and encouragement you expresss! I feel more confident about tapering slowly and doing it right! I’m sure I will watch this over and over again because you give me a plan and hope! Thank you so much! 👏👏🥰
  • @sandywhat2429
    I was on benzos for 40 years. I was on 3 of them actually. Nobody - no dr knew how to wean me off of these alive. I got severely injured. Most doctors do not know how to wean patients off of them. I was in medical crisis nonstop. I was calling ambulances, nobody believed what was happening to me. I almost died several times, I almost s----cided several times.. This is a dangerous process. Then there is protracted withdrawal. I unfortunately got permanently injured. I was injured in many ways. Many of us are traumatized even years later. However being on them longterm really were harming me and drs couldn't recognize that either. I was not on high doses. I'm glad I'm off them now a few years, I'm very sick and injured, severe nerve damage, but I'm glad I'm off of them.
  • @melanie98d
    Very well done video. Thank you. I've been completely off for nearly 14 months. My Gaba receptors are still struggling but it makes me happy to see more clinicians understand the hell of this journey with benzos