5 New AI Tools You Should Try

Here are five new AI tools that I recently tried out, and I think you’ll find them really useful:

Agent.ai - Created by Dharmesh Shah, co-founder of HubSpot, this tool features a network of AI agents to help you get things done. You can use it for company research, competitor analysis, funding data, website traffic, social media tracking, and much more. It even works for small private companies, not just public ones.

Canva’s Magic Studio Upgrades - Canva recently launched new AI tools, including Magic Design for video. It helps you edit videos by automatically selecting the best parts. Magic Grab allows you to cleanly remove elements from images, making it easy to create thumbnails with transparent backgrounds.

Lummi.ai - This tool is like a stock photo library, but all images are AI-generated. It provides a variety of royalty-free images created by skilled AI artists, making it a great alternative to platforms like MidJourney or DALL-E without the steep learning curve.

Mistral.ai Codestral - A new large language model from a French company, Mistral offers several models, including Codestral, which is designed for coding assistance. You can ask it coding-related questions and get functional code snippets for various tasks.

Perplexity.ai Pages - This feature allows you to create blog-like posts by simply typing a prompt. It generates content, sources from the internet, and provides a fully customizable format. While it lives on Perplexity.ai, you can copy and paste the content to your own blog.

I hope you find these tools as useful as I have. Feel free to test them out and see how they can enhance your workflow.

コメント (21)
  • @wedoebe
    Awesome!! They make perfect sense to check them out. Thank you sir. 👏
  • @ePreneurs
    Very useful especially the ai agent!
  • @EMClipsHub
    Looks really interesting, I'll have to check it out!
  • @mgoodkin
    When I go to Perplexity, it doesn't have the plus sign option. Do you need pro version for that?
  • @lunazamoraart
    I wish I knew if I should invest my time in learning canva or the adobe suite. So much to learn.
  • @joshemman
    You, my friend, are awesome. Thank you!
  • @EvilFookaire
    Mistral's one that I recently stumbled into through a random search (sort of a "let's see what rabbithole I can go down into now" thing that I occasionally do) and that's been added to my favorites. I have a set of questions that I copy into any LLM that I ttry out, and some of Mistral's answers look like they come straight from Google's Bard (now Gemini) which I played around with last year, but there's also enough of those questions where Mistral's AI comes up with differing answers, so I'm okay with it. Plus, it helped me by pointing out some mistakes (well, some very outdated PHP) in a MyBB plugin that I was working on, so there's that, too.
  • @Soccer5se
    Perplexity is fantastic for research. I am looking into Pro version, but we don't have access to all the features in South Korea yet.
  • Please In your next upcoming videos I hope you show us how to install local ChatGPT or other on our windows pc os without need for Internet connection and the most important keep in our privacy and our data restricted to be shared online ❤❤❤
  • thanks for this. nicely presented. which tools do you use for recording and editing?
  • Farfalle is better than Perplexity I suggest you give it a try!❤