Doctors Told Me I Had Allergies—It Turned Out Being Stage Four Lung Cancer | #Misdiagnosed | Health

Publicado 2020-03-17
At first, Gina Hollenbeck was told that her chronic cough was due to seasonal allergies, then a second doctor chalked it up to gastric reflux. It was a chest X-ray she insisted on paying for out of pocket that led to her terminal cancer diagnosis.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @journey4601
    I continued to go to Dr because of persistent cough. Was told i needed mental health because it was just chronic bronchitis. Eventually i threw a tantrum. They threatened me with police. To complait me they sent me for x-rays. Next call i got was from pulmonary specialist. Prognosis is stage 4 lung cancer. Been so blessed my insurance pays for everything. They gave me 18months. I'm on immunotherapy. Life extended 3years so far. Hasn't spread. I know I'm on borrowed time but God and life is good. When you feel it in your gut something is wrong don't let anyone try to make you feel/sound mental. Some doctors disregard/dismiss when a woman tells THEM something isn't quite right with their bodies. God is good and always have the last word. Blessings to all!!!
  • Is no one going to mention that insurance companies wouldn’t comply with a request for a chest x-ray. That is disgusting. The USA really needs to get its health care system fixed. Insurance companies are raking in the money on your illness. It’s time to take it away from them.
  • Yep! Years of misdiagnosis. After many er visits, one doctor told me I had a pulled muscle on a Friday. On Sunday I was called back to the er. Stage 4 NET tumors. Carcinoid cancer diagnosis, along with carcinoid syndrome. 80 cm of intestines removed. It had metastasized. Last year had a parotid removed. I celebrated 2 years last month, and still giving my kids the blues! Advocate for yourself, and never give up. We know our bodies. Don’t let anyone dictate your outcome 💜🦓🦄💃🏾
  • @wendyj.3858
    She's a strong woman and level headed. Very admirable.
  • @bobsmith6953
    They did an CAT scan on me in March after a heart attack and stroke, they told my wife I was probably going to be a vegetable for the rest of my life if I lived. They discharged me after 8 days and I'm home now, about 90% of what I was before, not a 100% but if you didn't know I had those issues, you wouldn't know it by talking to me today. Moral of the story? Get second opinions, and have hope, my wife was planning funeral in March, and now we're back to being better than we were before. Don't take life for granted, it can be gone in an instant.
  • @tomjefferson3148
    when my sons denied a him life saving procedure over a paperwork technicality, that was it! We just pooled our money and paid for it ourselves. I'd rather owe a bill than bury a child. He's doing well <3
  • @AStri-zg5xc
    My non smoking mom died from lung cancer that had been diagnosed as emphysema. I thought it was odd that a non smoker had emphysema. By the time someone noticed how sick she was it was too late. Drs gave her 6 months, she died in 4. My mom was under a Drs care and had been going for regular monthly visits for more than a decade (various issues such as hypothyroid, kidney problems and high cholesterol caused by genetics and not diet). Not once did the Dr look at her lungs. My mom believed Drs were authority figures who should not be second-guessed. I had always said "Drs are people, not gods". If you arent happy with a treatment or diagnoses - GET ANOTHER! THEY ARENT GODS!
  • @grateful1929
    I pray she is healthy and will live to be a grandma!! 😊
  • I am a pharmacologist and doctors do not like me. The feeling is mutual, because I always tell them they are incompetent diagnosticians.
  • @sandradalton1611
    I had a cough for about 3 months. I had the kind of doctor that "forgot " to tell me I had pancreatitis. He also forgot to mention I was borderline diabetic. When I found this out, I switched doctors. His partner then told me my cough was allergies. I got fuming angry. I was going to either report them or drop them. He noticed that I meant business. He gave me a chest xray. Thankfully it came up clear. But never again will I go with mediocrity. It's my life.
  • A persistent cough was what led to my Mom's lung cancer diagnosis. Sadly, she passed when it metastasized to her brain. I pray this lovely lady makes it.
  • Samething happened to my dad, they told him he had allergies for 9 months he only found out the had stage 4 lung cancer when his knees started to hurt and his legs started to swell. He fought it for a year and a half and passed away at 55. I love him so much and miss him like crazy. It's hard to watch someone you love not be able to get out of bed.
  • @aprilschrock2181
    I was told I had allergies too, then told I had a lung disease and then to find out it was a reaction to mold. It’s so important to advocate for your health.
  • @gregfalco4528
    Realize she went to 5 doctors before one of them was finally able to figure out she had cancer. Remember that the next time you put your trust in these people.
  • I wish I had seen this a little sooner. I have been smoking for 37 yrs. when I developed a chronic dry cough. Every month.for 3-4 months I went to the doctor and she would prescribe me a different medicine. The 5th and 6th month she insisted it was just allergies. No testing was done. By this time I was desperate because of how bad this cough was affecting my sanity and general well-being so I made an appointment with a pulmonologist, which took another 2 months to get in. I had a lung infection and a partially collapsed lung and after further testing found out I have a cancerous lung tumor.
  • @jq5843
    This was my father!!!!!!!! He went to his doctor for two years because of “allergies.” All his doctor did was pull out prescription pad and write prescription for antibiotics. I finally talked him into getting a second opinion. First thing new doctor did was a chest x-ray. He had lung cancer, and the other doctor who ignored him basically killed him because it was too late. He did not smoke but was a firefighter for 25 years. Any doctor with a brain would have gotten a lung x-ray when his patient coughing up blood (parents didn’t tell me that part).
  • @thomasboyd3121
    In June of this year i went to the ER with shortness of breath. While there it got worse. One CAT scan later i found out i have Stage 4 Metabolic Small Cell Lung Cancer. Currently on Immunotherapy. Praying for you.
  • @wonnielee3407
    I like how she researched the doctors, medications 💊, paid out of pocket to get her journey to being healed underway. Bless her
  • @echase416
    I’m glad to hear that the ER doc took a deeper dive into her symptoms.
  • Exact same thing happened to me. Allergies, Reflux. Persistent cough for 3 months went to my primary care doctor sent me for a chest x- ray. Lung Cancer, furthest thing from my mind. Tumor in chest pressing on Trachea had stents put in, Radiation, Chemo now on Immunotherapy. It's been 10 months and I plan on living another 10 years!!