A Divided America Agrees: We Deserve Better Than This

Published 2024-07-04
The latest national poll (www.nytimes.com/2024/07/03/us/politics/poll-debate…) from The New York Times and Siena College shows former President Donald J. Trump leading President Biden by nine percentage points among registered voters — a pretty big shift in his direction in the week since the presidential debate.

It has become clear in the past week that there is no obvious path to replacing Mr. Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee. But there is a strong desire among Americans for something different.

We heard that directly from voters we met last week in Kenosha, Wis., at a gathering of a group called Braver Angels. It’s a nonpartisan organization that finds common ground across political divisions, and it proved a perfect focus group after the debate.

We asked these deeply engaged citizens, who had chosen to spend their free time debating policy and politics, how they were feeling about their options for president in November.

Their perspective reinforced the gap that this unique political moment has exposed between voters and party leaders.

The questions are: Has Mr. Biden’s debate performance made the continuation of his campaign untenable? And what, if anything, should happen next?

Do you have a question about the 2024 election? We want to hear from you. Fill out this form (www.nytimes.com/article/2024-election-primary-ques…) or email us at [email protected] (mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?fs=1&tf=cm&source=mailto…)

All Comments (21)
  • All these people bitched their way through two primaries about how Bernie Sanders was "too old" only to vote for a man the exact same age, clearly in advancing stages of Alzheimer's al the way back in 2019, and spend 4 years telling us he's really only 30 and has a photographic memory. Meanwhile we could be in a 7th year of a Sanders administration with universal healthcare, housing rights and $15 minimum wage-- not to mention not be fomenting nuclear wars with Russia and the middle east. When are people going to finally hold the Democrats and the liberal media machine accountable for screwing us over?!
  • @Dare5358
    "I really didn't follow Trump prior to the debate"??? EXCUSE ME? The man was president for 4 years, "yeah, um, I just really didn't know about him until the debate"??? who tf are these ppl?
  • @NightOfCrystals
    The fact that people are even having conflicted feelings over Biden-Trump in 2024 is stunning. Have they forgotten 2017-2021?
  • @Charles-Darwin
    We need Bernie more than ever. He's the only true populist that has a 40+yr record doing what's right for people on the ground
  • We need better people to represent us. President Biden has been solid, and hard-working, now he needs to retire with dignity and poise. Thursday was an American tragedy!
  • @xyz12345457
    Not only could not watch the debate after seeing the first 3 minutes, I can't watch your show after the first 3 minutes. That woman who actually BELIEVED TRUMP was ridiculous.
  • Half of Americans identify as independent. The reds and blues are killing it (us).
  • We deserve the best Republican candidate and the best Democrat candidate competing for the presidency.
  • @cassandratq9301
    Ohio isn't a "battleground" state. Hasn't been a bell-weather for some time now.🤦‍♀️
  • @cwidd1929
    Well, this segment was eye opening to the extent that it reveals the myriad ways the education system in America has failed our society and how the average voter has basically no clue about the goings on of government or political gamesmanship.
  • @Chris-yt3ep
    “Undecided voter in Ohio means a lot” — pretty pathetic journalism from NYT here. Ohio is a solid red state.
  • @Listman11
    America also deserves a better media.
  • @Socratic199
    Parties have a monopoly on candidate choices. We choose between the trash they allow us to. Saw it first hand in 2016 in Philly. The media is a key player in that monopoly. "Spin room"? Doesn't get more on the nose than that, kids. Since what we have is largely exclusive to the public will, it seems the ONLY chance at breaking that cycle is to supplant those structures by way of alternatives. We need new party coalitions to compete. Voters on both sides have many commonalities and paths to addressing local problems. We just need to do it without regard for all the noise the establishment always makes about it.
  • @9000ck
    'i thought it was a reason to drink' exactly.
  • @TheMageesa
    Just wow. Unquestioning Trump's claims because he "sounded sincere"... this is they typical low-information uncommitted voter we're supposed to be tailoring policies and candidates towards.
  • @MegaAslan10
    If Biden cared more about America and Democracy than he did about whats best for Biden, he would leave now
  • @FavouriteViewer
    I don't understand why American voters seem to place so much attention on individual candidates and how they make them feel, rather than discussing policy or a larger political vision for the country. I wish we could have more political formats discussing policy proposals like Project 2025, tax reform or the success (or failure) of bills like the Chips Act, Infrastructure Bill or Inflation Reduction Act. Those would affect the average American far more than how a candidate presents him or herself, and might have a chance of rendering a better roster of candidates as well. Perhaps a bit of a meandering point, but would be interested to hear what people think.
  • I wish the Dems were running against Bernie rn. They might get off their asses and try to win this thing.